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不能识别的编码序列值,请使用默认值。Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.

而且你还要经常面临你的表现不被赏识的境遇。As often as not, you'll be unrecognized for your performance.

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登革热存在于撒哈拉以南非洲,但往往识别不到。Dengue is present in sub-Saharan Africa but often unrecognized.

工作场所的年龄歧视问题常被忽视。The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized.

缓冲区中发现一个不可识别的对象。An unrecognized object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.

他们说的语言尚未被辨识,而且他们只吃豆荚。The language they spoke was unrecognized and they ate only bean pods.

百达翡丽的成功,优秀的创意广告不能遗珠。Patek Philippe success, outstanding creative ads can not be left unrecognized.

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天赋得不到承认使我沮丧,但也使我不再大惊小怪。The fact that my genius goes unrecognized saddens me, but no longer surprises.

研究人员说,这是大部分男性暴食症患者都无法被发现的一个原因。That, say researchers is one of the reasons male binge eating is largely unrecognized.

如果使用易变或无法辨认的具名使用权限集,将掷回编译器错误。A compiler error will be thrown if a mutable or unrecognized named permission set is used.

我们的数据揭示了一个未知的抗血管生产药抑制肿瘤生长的新机制。Our data suggest a preiously unrecognized way that anti-angiogenic agents inhibit tumor growth.

当时的政府对私人兴办高等教育采取鼓励和支持的政策功不可没。The policy that the government then encouraged and sup- ported it can not be left unrecognized.

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他们说着一种不为人知的语言,拒绝吃任何食物除了豆荚的豆子。They spoke an unrecognized language and refused to eat anything other than pitch from bean pods.

开发环境中最常见的原因是,缺少参数或出现不能识别的参数。The most common reason in a development environment is that a parameter is missing or unrecognized.

然而,在她们承担这一重要角色时,往往得不到支持,认可和报酬。Yet more often than not, they go unsupported, unrecognized and unremunerated in this essential role.

“我们需要更强大和更好的研究,因为BDD患者经常不被识别和诊断,”她说。“We do need bigger and better studies because BDD often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed,” she says.

直线摊销不被承认的,在特定的时间财会报表编号106是通过。The straight-line amortization of the unrecognized APBO at the time FASB Statement No. 106 is adopted.

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有赢未确认所有的牺牲,我会活过多年。他们需要确切地知道。To have win unrecognized all the sacrifice I will live through the years. They needed to know exactly.

该病往往难以发现,诊断延误可达十多年之久。Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria often goes unrecognized — its diagnosis may be delayed for more than 10 years.

“士不遇”赋是汉代政治抒情赋的代表。The desriptive prose about the subject"The unrecognized talents"represented the political lyric prose in Han Dynasty.