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一个女人在尖叫。One woman was screaming.

尖啸河滩化石场。Screaming Reaches Fossil Field.

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一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。A newsboy was screaming an extra.

没有人尖叫或者恐慌。No one is screaming or panicking.

她像泼妇一样尖叫!She was screaming like a fishwife!

她一面奔跑,一面尖声叫着马吉的名字。Screaming Marki's name, she ran on.

我们能听到老人在惨叫。We could hear the old men screaming.

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但很多声音在他脑海里叫唤着。But several were now screaming to him.

没有停机坪延误,没有哭喊的婴孩儿。No tarmac delays, no screaming babies.

这就是为什么我一醒来就惊叫的原因。That's why I always, wake up screaming.

世界在迫切地寻找安全避风港。The world is screaming for safe havens.

人们在串门、在争吵、在尖叫。People visiting, arguing, and screaming.

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巷子里传出一个女人的尖叫声。She was screaming at me like a fishwife.

那个婴儿已经哭叫了一个小时。The baby has been screaming for an hour.

“米勒”美军吼了起来。“Miller!” The marines were screaming now.

我对他大叫道,“滚,你是聋子么?Go away, I'm screaming. Haven't you heard?

笑声、尖叫、跑跳。Laughter and screaming and running around.

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房间里坐满了哇哇乱叫的孩子。The room abounded with screaming children.

我上了车,她便大声吆喝。And I got in the car and she was screaming.

在囚车里她还是发疯似的尖叫。In the wagon she went on screaming insanely.