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我选了圆周率的符号。I chose the symbol for pi.

乘以π,得到21。I multiply by pi and I get 21.5.

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貔“指以雪豹为图腾的氏族。"PI"indicates totem clan of snow leopard.

这个常数是4乘π再乘εAnd that factor is 4 pi times epsilon zero.

接毒后6个月,法氏囊萎缩。The bursa atrophied at the 6th month of PI.

所以φ是在0和π之间的。OK, so -- Phi is always between zero and pi.

第二个键是π键。So our second bond is going to be a pi bond.

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我们要讨论sigma键和π键。We want to discuss sigma bonds and pi bonds.

这一切都在某一天的工作,为有价证券投资之谜!It's all in a day's work for the Mystery PI !

接着,少年派和理查德•帕克之间的故事便开始了。Then, the story between Pi and the tiger began.

这是π碳2py碳。py So this will be pi carbon 2 p y, carbon 2 p y.

李皮现在可没有什么友好的态度。Li Pi was in no friendly mood now. When he saw Dr.

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我们会称它为2py分子轨道上的π键。And this will be called pi of 2py molecular orbital.

噼哩啪啦,炸碎脂肪,减掉落肉!Pi bang, scamper is broken adipose, reduce the meat!

治心下痞,胸胁痛,神药也。Xinxia Pi governance, Xiongxie pain, the drug also God.

也就是,4πε0,3R圈,以此类推。That's 4 pi epsilon zero 3 r naught and so on and so on.

上下两片叶一起组成了一根π键。And so both of these lobes together constitute a pi bond.

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的后面是一本书。再后面是这本书的内容。B. Pi is followed by the book. The book's content follow.

文人情结,使曹丕一生难以释怀。Literati complex was what that Cao Pi was always cheasing.

PI总线是并行接口总线的简称。PI bus is the abbreviation for the parallel interface bus.