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哎呀,你看看我。Oops. Look at me.

“啊呀”理论。The "oops" theory.

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哦你身上有根头发。Oops . You got a hair.

我又做了一些研究。Oops. I did some research.

我应该在那里的!Oops. I'll be right there.

哎呦!你有一个橡皮擦吗!Oops ! Do you have an eraser?

哎呀,中国又一次赢过美国了?Oops. China "Trumps" US again?

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噢,我不应该说这些的。Oops . I'm not supposed to say.

糟了,掉了。我得打扫它了。Oops . There it goes. I'll clean it up.

哎啊!我忘记打电话给煤气公司。Oops ! I forgot to call the gas company.

噢,负疚,本人把你当成别的一小我了。Oops. Sorry. I was thinking about someone else!

小查的魔法糖之天哪!博士下蛋?Charlie and the Magic Candies— Oops ! Doc Lays Eggs!

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哎呀妈呀,你气质还硬拉?回去撞柱子去。Oops Maya, you temperament also Ying la ?pole to hit back.

但银行股却是2012年表现最佳的板块之一。Oops. They were one of the best-performing sectors in 2012.

哎呀,忘了提及您是在藏书绘图。Oops , forgot to mention you are in the Bibliophile drawing.

哎哟,我想我在那儿犯了一个错--希望她不会太难过。Oops I think I made a boo-boo there--I hope she's not too upset.

似乎在你离开洞穴时,发现一只巨大的红色翼龙挡住你的去路。Oops. Seems there was a Great Red Wyrm waiting for you when you left the cave.

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我也不能肯定这么能不能用,那请问该怎么用啊?Oops. Are you sure you can do this, use user space dynamic library in kernel module?

让我吃惊的是,在我切换用户名登入后,一切又恢复正常。Oops. But after logging out and logging back in as a different user, everything went smoothly.

因为我们现在加入了一个,说明股市会增长的偏向值。Because we've now put in a bias suggesting that it should go up. Oops. It wouldn't have hurt it.