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她是位好老师,但她很凶。She isa good teacher, but she ish ard.

他们的名字,我现在渐渐都想起来了。Their names ard all coming back to me now.

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将蛋白质结晶化并非是一个简单的过程。Crystallizing the protein is not a str aightforw ard procedure.

如果他们知道了钻透那坚硬的岩石有多么困难。If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the ard rock.

它提供了一个复杂问题在限定领域中的简单答案。Rich ard has a bl ack- and-white appro ach to all complex problems.

剑鞘保护剑的锋利,自己却满足于劲舞团字体颜色代码它自己的迟钝。The sca ard is content to be dull when it protects the kee eof the word.

微生物氧化的矿石、料和覆盖岩层会产生酸性岩排水。Microbial oxidation of ores, tailings, and overburden contributes to ARD.

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她的评论招来了愤怒,而她本人当场遭到了德国公共广播电台ARD的解雇。Outrage greeted her comments and she was fired on the spot by German public broadcaster ARD.

在前台在于洛赫阿尔德峡谷后,船在1878年不幸遇到搁浅的名字命名。In the foreground lies Loch Ard Gorge, named after a ship that tragically ran aground in 1878.

介绍了一种用计算机精确、快速识别机械式示功图的方法。This paper presents a new method of accurate and quick recognizing mechanic al-type indicator c ard.

女士们先生们,今天灯谜数量有限,请挑选任意五个,然后给其他人留机会。Ladies and gentlemen, the riddles amounts ard limited, please take any 5 one, and leave chances for other people.

明信片上的风景,矗立在圣马可广场的钟塔高达91米。The bell tower or campanile which dominates St. Mark's square, and poSt. ard views of the city, is 91 metres high.

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过量碘摄入的负效应问题,以及磺摄入量的安全上限研究应当得到足够的重视。Much attention needs to be paid to the studies on side effects of iodine ard the safe upper limit of iodine intake.

如果易出事故的力拓董事会推荐这一交易,那么必然会有采取其它行动的初步理由。If Rio's accident-prone bo ard is recommending the de al, there must be a prim af acie case for doing something else.

德国两家公共广播公司ARD和ZDF提出3G手机的用户应每月向他们支付一笔许可费。Two German public broadcasters, ARD and ZDF, argue that users of 3G handsets should have to pay them a monthly licence fee.

为了增强其性能表现,我们还提供了一个激光切割的钢质底座连同可调节的外置脚钉与脚钉帽。To enhance this performance, a slim laser-cut steel base with adjust able out-bo ard spikes and floor protectors is included.

公司采用优质PVC精致而成的“隆嘉牌”塑钢道牙,具有颜色美观大方,抗老化,拆装简便等特点。Using PVC exquisite quality from the "Long Ji ac ard" steel, teeth, a nice color, anti- aging, the entry is simple and so on.

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「整件事结束得非常快。他似乎感到大惑不解,而且没有拒捕的机会,」汉堡市警局一名发言人告诉ARD电视台。"It all ended very fast. He appeared to be baffled and had no chance of resisting arrest, " a Hamburg police spokesman told ARD television.

而美莱克是克诺尔的成员之。一,。主。营车载空调系统,距今已有100多年的历史。轨道交通事业在今后的社会发展中占有举足轻重的地位。Merak as a member of Knorr- Bremse Group, who operating business of air conditi. on system for onb. o. ard railway vehicles for more than 100 years.

本文对承受反复运动的螺旋弹簧的动态特性进行了分析与试验。In the present paper the dynamic characteristics of helical springs subjected to a reciprocating motion is investigated theoretically ard experimentally.