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商业智能是什么?What is Business Intelligence?

智力是她的主要财富。Intelligence was her main asset.

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莱恩,那是群体智慧吗?Len, is that swarm intelligence?

你的智力是这样的吗Is it true for your intelligence?

你是需要为智力付出代价的。You pay a price for intelligence.

市场推广情报中心。Center for Marketing Intelligence.

这是非概念性的智性。It is non-conceptual intelligence.

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智商与智力有何关联?How does IQ relate to intelligence?

这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。The boy evinces great intelligence.

我们要把它想成是情报资料。Think about it as intelligence data.

那些孩子们接受了智力测验。The boy be give an intelligence test.

所以,您需要人类的智能。For that, you need human intelligence.

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代码智能引擎非常可靠。The code intelligence engine is solid.

人工智慧?我的老板?开玩笑。Artificial intelligence? My boss? Joke.

他的蓝眼睛闪着理性的光芒。His blue eyes blazed with intelligence.

多普达,智能机。Multi-Pu reaches, intelligence machine.

鲍西娅以她的智力而闻名。Portia stands out for her intelligence.

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战略情报是第一步。Strategic intelligence is a first step.

玛丽聪明睿智。Mary is possessed of great intelligence.

忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。Tolerance is a notch above intelligence.