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请耐心的享受你游览空中通道的这一刻吧。Please be patient to enjoy your moment on the Skywalk.

沿著中山路走直到你看到一座天桥。Walk straight on Zhong-Shan Road when you see a skywalk.

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或者,你也可以在中山路上找到它,当你看到一座天桥时。And you could also find it on Zhong-Shan Road when you see a skywalk.

或者,你也可以在中山路上找到它,当你看到一座天桥时。Just walk along the pathway under the skywalk and then you will get it.

曼谷空中走廊,于市中心连结三个捷运站。Skywalk in Bangkok, Thailand, which connects three express stations in downtown.

位于海拔2700米之上,这处“云端漫步”是奥地利施蒂里亚最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。Located 2.700 m above sea level, this cool skywalk is one of the most popular destinations in Styria, Austria.

今年年初,重庆龙缸国家地质公园开放了世界最长的悬挑玻璃廊桥。Earlier this year, the Longgang National Geological Park in Chongqing, unveiled the world's longest glass-bottomed cantilever skywalk.

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站在88层的人行天桥上,游客不仅可以饱览这个城市全景,还能鸟瞰大楼的螺旋天井。The 88th-floor Skywalk gives visitors a panoramic look at the city as well as a bird’s-eye view of the atrium spiraling down below them.

他们借着建造观光空中走廊与发展邻近地区,重新开始自己的生活,开创后代的未来。By developing the Skywalk and the surrounding area for tourists, the Hualapai are reclaiming their lives and the future of their children.

大峡谷空中步道是个底部为玻璃的观景台,使游客能够直接看著「脚下」壮丽的峡谷。The Grand Canyon Skywalk is an observatory with a glass bottom, allowing visitors to gaze into the spectacular gulf beneath their feet directly.

在联合国教科文组织世界遗产景点,湖南省天门山的悬崖峭壁上有一段长2公里的环形栈道,其中有一段60米长的玻璃栈道。天空之路!The glass skywalk spans 60 meters of a 2-km loop encircling the vertical cliffs of Tianmen Mountain in Hunan province, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

张家界大峡谷走道将位于980英尺的高中上,将打破记录成为世界上最长和最高的玻璃桥梁。The Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon skywalk willhover over a nail-biting 980ftdrop and is set to smash records to be the world's longest and highestglass-bottomed bridge.

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在游览著名的空中通道最后的1.5小时里,你将登上开往鹰角的大巴,那里是大峡谷空中通道的终点,现在你可以在大峡谷上方的空中漫步70英尺了。Walk on the World Famous Skywalk 1.5 Hours Finally you'll board your bus to Eagle Point, home of the Grand Canyon Skywalk. Now it is time for you to walk on air for 70 feet over the Grand Canyon.

在你游览完这有且仅有的一个大峡谷人行玻璃天桥后,你将返回大峡谷以西的飞机场取回你的私人飞机然后飞回峡谷以南的边界。After you have experienced the one and only Grand Canyon Skywalk Glass Bridge, you will return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and take your Airplane for a flight back to the South Rim of the Canyon.