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你和你的搭档雪铃在银幕下如何相处?How did you get along with your costar, Snowbell the cat, offscreen?

他的电影里很多暴力镜头以及小人物间的对话都在镜头焦点以外的画面中。Much of the violence and minor character dialogue is offscreen in his films.

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剪贴板再也不能提出露面,行走时,与宽屏宽高比。The clipboard can no longer be moved offscreen when running with a widescreen aspect ratio.

是的,从一个画外帆布转移甚至比原始图像一个弧圈更快。Yes, transferring from an offscreen canvas is faster than even primitive drawings like an arc-circle.

电影中也没有出现任何加速粒子的装置,但萨托吉塔认为射频共振腔可能被摆在了画面之外。There's nothing to accelerate the particles, either, but Satogata says the RF cavities could be offscreen.

如果启用,蒙皮网格将在离开屏幕的时候更新。如果禁用,也将禁用动画更新。If enabled, the Skinned Mesh will be updated when offscreen. If disabled, this also disables updating animations.

视频内容是一对情侣在试衣间的性爱画面,画面外的广播声音显示是在北京高档购物区——三里屯的优衣库店内。The offscreen broadcast indicated that the video was taken in a Uniqlo store in Sanlitun, an upmarket shopping district.

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这个值让用户代理可以分配一定的资源,这可以提高重绘的性能。This suggests that user agent may be able to allocate resources, such as an offscreen buffer, that would allow increased performance in redraw.

但如果可用的离散项目集合太大,不适合在单个视图中显示。而且其中的一些项目必须滚动才能看见时,选择习惯用法立刻就不适用了,这是列表控件问题中常见的情况。But if the pool of available discrete items is too large to fit in a single view and some of it must be scrolled offscreen , the selection idiom immediately becomes unwieldy.

他是法国战后最为著名的演员之一,异常英俊,并由于电影之外的种种绯闻成为迷一般的邪恶天才。He was among the most prominent French actors of the postwar era and an exotically handsome performer, he sprung from offscreen rumor and scandal to emerge as a uniquely enigmatic and sinister talent.