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你知道爱情海传说吗?Do you know the Aegean tale?

就从爱琴海地区开始说起Let's start with the Aegean Sea.

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你说过要带我去爱琴海…Our love carry-over in the Aegean Sea.

图为爱琴海中的海港卡瓦拉。Left, the seaport of Kavala on the Aegean.

希腊东部一城市,北邻爱琴海。A city of eastern Greece near the Aegean Sea.

特洛伊是爱情海地区最繁荣的一座城市。Tony is the most prosperous city along the Aegean area.

我们已预订到了爱琴海的驾船度假旅游。We have booked to go on a sailing holiday in the aegean.

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克里特岛是古代爱琴文化发源地。Crete Island is the cradle of the ancient Aegean culture.

王后一个人悄悄走向海边,迎接着爱琴海的浪涛,蹈水自尽了。The Queen went to the beach and jumped into the Aegean Sea.

所以你来到日本宣传“情定爱情海”?So you've come to Japan to promote "The Love of Aegean Sea"?

爱琴海希腊餐厅是一间蓝白相间的小餐厅。Aegean Greek restaurant is a small blue and white restaurant.

两个都柏林周边的醉鬼就像爱情海上的奥德修斯。Two drunkards meander around Dublin like Odysseus in the Aegean.

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黑海水流含盐量少,降低爱琴海海水的咸度。The black sea water, reduce the Aegean sea salt less salty degrees.

其他的则继续逃亡并在爱琴海的岛屿定居Others had to keep going and settled on the islands of the Aegean Sea.

另外一些人则继续逃亡,最后在爱琴海的群岛中定居下来。Others had to keep going and settled on the islands of the Aegean Sea.

航行在爱琴海和地中海上的有一些颇具分量的海盗。There were powerful pirates that sailed the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

让我们回到爱琴海地区,我们刚刚已经穿过了整个小亚细亚地区Well, let's get back out into the Aegean Sea and we just crossed Asia Minor.

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你不必去希腊看分布在爱情海上的小岛。You don't have to go to Greece to see the small islands dotting the Aegean Sea.

一古国,曾为罗马帝国行省,位于小亚细亚西南部,靠爱琴海。An ancient country and Roman province of southwest Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea.

外岛及爱琴海的景色享受也是此次活动的一大特色。Then the scenery of the Aegean Sea and those islands were in our memory forever.