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为什么要将画廊办在炼铁厂里?Why put a gallery in an ironworks ?

但是,现在大大小小的钢铁厂又都开足马力生产。But, greatly small now steel ironworks production of put into high gear.

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为节省铁厂的时间,在装货点预先混合矿石的做法是可行的。It is possible to premix the ore at the shipping point,thus saving time at the ironworks.

远处炼铁厂的高音喇叭在放着歌曲,几面红旗向东飘摆。The tweeter of far ironworks is putting song standard of a few flame waves eastwards place.

你现在听到的恼人噪音是从每天都会大量制作钢铁制品的铁工厂那传出来的。The annoying noise you are hearing is from the ironworks where the steel products are churned out every day.

横须贺日本本州东南部一城市,位处东京湾,是一个具有船坞和钢铁厂的海军基地。人口427,087。A city of southeast Honshu, Japan, on Tokyo Bay. It is a naval base with shipyards and ironworks. Population, 427, 087.

就等我拿到喀勒克族制铁厂,创生祭坛,还有碾碎工段。哦耶,还有另外一个回收秘耳。Just wait till I get my Krark-Clan Ironworks , Genesis Chamber, and Grinding Station. Oh yeah, and a second Myr Retriever.

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新开的矿藏和与之相关的产业,比如说炼油厂、炼铁厂、炼钢厂、化工厂等,纷纷建立起来。New mines as well as associated industry, such as refineries, ironworks , steelworks, and chemical plants, have been established.

今年均为17岁的张某、廖某系四川荣县铁厂镇人,在洛江双阳某制衣厂工作。Now the yearly average is 17 year-old Zhang, Liao is the Sichuan Jung County ironworks town person, in Luojiang Shuangyang some clothing factory work.

据说该设计是应英国因弗格瑞一位钢铁厂老板的要求而做,他认为穿方格呢裙的员工在工作中需要更大的肢体自由。This was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work.

典型应用于海洋石油钻探,采油,FPSO,SPM,物料输送,大型储存罐,电力冶金工业,采矿业等工况苛刻场合。Typical application possibilities are to be found particularly in offshore technology, FPSO , SPM, in material handling, large-tank units, the ironworks industry, mining and the building trade.