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我们也特别喜欢它的BSD许可。We particular like the BSD license.

BSD可以作为一个很棒的服务器,同样可以做为很优秀的桌面。BSD makes a great server. It also makes a great desktop.

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1999年秋季,英国政府对国家课程进行了全面修订,由环境教育转向可持续发展教育。In the august of 1999, National Curriculum was emended roundly from environmental education to BSD.

在XNU内核中,BSD层的一部分责任就是将这些进行粗略的实体映射。Part of the responsibility of the BSD layer in the XNU kernel is making this rough mapping concrete.

BSD是一个真正的工作犬的外观非常稳定的外部与工作特点,结合起来。The BSD is a true working dog with great working characteristics, combined with stabilized exterior appearance.

内核的BSD部分可以调用内核的Mach部分,是直接调用这些功能,而不需要通过Mach消息。The BSD part of the kernel calls down to the Mach part, but can call these functions directly, not requiring a Mach message.

传统的BSD测度未考虑影响人耳感知判断的帧间掩蔽特性。Hence an opportunity exists to incorporate these inter-frame temporal masking effects into the BSD measure to improve its performance.

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现在,谷歌已经回到了它最初的选择,在标准BSD许可之下发布了VP8,赢得了OSI的极大赞誉。Now, Google has backtracked on its initial decision and released VP8 under a fairly standard BSD license, earning the praise of the OSI.

回到BSD层中,它同样需要在进程表中创建新条目,复制进程所打开的所有文件描述符,以及其他事务。Back up in the BSD layer, it also needs to create new entries in the process table, copy any file descriptors that the process has open, and so on.

由于基础上的限制,4.4BSD将会是在伯克利的加利福尼亚大学的计算机系统研究小组的BSD系统的最后一个版本。Due to funding constraints, 4.4BSD will be the last release of the BSD by the Computer Systems Research Group of the University of California at Berkeley.

当蒸汽进入倒吊桶内,倒吊桶产生向上浮力,倒吊桶连接杠杆带动阀芯关闭阀门。When BSy steam enters into the inverted bucket, the bucket will obtain buoyBScy BSd the fixed lever of the bucket drives the valve core to close the valve.

樟子松林的胸径和森林的郁闭度与鸟类多样性呈显著的正相关,树的高度、密度、森林下草的高度和盖度与鸟类多样性相关性不显著。However, The Mongolian pine height, density and the height and covering degree of grass under forest highly was not remarkable relevance with BSD respectively.

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当前的BSD,包括FreeBSD5的核心,仍基于一个可以称“勉强”的根基之上,尽管它们也拿这句话讽刺现在流行的操作系统。The existing BSD cores, including FreeBSD-5, are still primarily based on models which could at best be called 'strained' as they are applied to modern systems.

论文首先对UNIX以及UNIX网络编程环境作了一个介绍,然后详细分析了BSD套接字函数族和多路复用的应用。The paper first has made an introduction to UNIX as well as the UNIX network programming environment, then multianalysis BSD sleeve joint character function race and multiplexing application.

苹果系统的分区设计是在基于DOS分区的复杂性和我们会在BSD硬盘标签里看到的有限的分区编号之间的一个完美的平衡。The design of the partition system in an Apple system is a nice balance between the complexity of DOS-based partitions and the limited number of partitions that we will see in the BSD disk labels.