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现在出现一线希望之光。There is a faint glimmer of hope.

现在,您可能会看到一点希望的火花。Now, you may see a glimmer of hope.

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可荧黄回来之后。But after the glimmer yellow comes back.

究竟是一线希望抑或仅仅是回光返照?GLIMMER of recovery or a dead-cat bounce?

这份黯淡的评估中,我们还能看到一线希望。There is a glimmer of hope among the bleak assessment.

携带闪着微光的如萤清梦。Brings to dodge the glimmer spot spot glimmer clear dream.

Yura和Glimmer有些不情愿地起身走向楼梯。Reluctantly Yura and Glimmer rose and headed for the stairs.

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即便如此,新的招聘信息还是给求职者带来了一线曙光。Even so, a look at the new-hire feature offers a glimmer of hope.

他狡猾的小眼睛里露出了一丝贪婪的神情。There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small, cunning eyes of his.

埃娃的结婚相册仅仅保存了婚礼本身暗弱的影像。Eva's wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself.

不管发生什么事,他从未失去那丝内心的快乐。No matter what happened, he never lost this glimmer of inner happiness.

但是这只是浅层次的愉悦,钱并不能为你带来内心深处的快乐。But money can not bring a glimmer of happiness from the depths of our hearts.

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Glimmer不仅在语法上求简,在架构上也是。Glimmer is not only minimalistic in its syntax, but also in its architecture.

莱茵石微光与更多的方面的人比切割用更少的方方面面。Rhinestones with more facets will glimmer more than those cut with fewer facets.

这实际上也是为什么Glimmer能够支持第三方小部件的原因。This is in fact the reason why Glimmer supports 3rd party widgets out of the box.

背着背着,突然看到东边的墙壁上透过来一线亮光。Carry, suddenly see the wall of east top through come to a glimmer of glow-in-the-dark.

待审的案子堆积如山,但这次审判却给这里的人们带来了一线曙光。Millions more await justice, but this trial has given a glimmer of hope for the future.

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开心就像阳光下的银杏,风一吹著便闪烁著细碎的笑声。Happy just like ginkgo of sunshine, wind glimmer in small, broken bits laugh once blowing.

钢刀散发的微光照亮了他那双残酷而又犀利的眼睛,他故意有节奏的眨着双眼,一下、二下。A glimmer of light reflected from the knife and lit up his eyes. Cruel and sharp. He blinked.

例如,Glimmer拥有内建的数据绑定支持以及可定制的默认设置。For example, Glimmer comes with built-in data-binding support and smart customizable defaults.