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绝对的数字集成电路设计经典书!Digital Integrated Circuits by Rabaey 2nd edt.

节目将从六月五日的2012,美国东部时间下午6时。Broadcasts will start on June 5 2012, 6 PM EDT.

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美国商务部报告将于上午10点公布。The Commerce Department report is due out at 10 a.m. EDT.

本研究旨在找出可拓检测技术中关键可测物元的提取原理和方法。This study aims at the principle and method to distill KDM in EDT.

美国总统奥巴马将于0100GMT就债务上限问题发表讲话.President Obama will make an address on the debt limit at 9 p.m. EDT.

关键可测物元是指在可拓检测过程中,对于检测目标物元有较重要作用的可测物元。KDM is detectable matter-elements which have great importance to detect the goal matter-element in EDT.

投资者同样期望商务部会在早上十点发布有关美国工厂订单的报告。Investors are also awaiting a Commerce Department report on U.S. factory orders, expected at 10 a.m. EDT.

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使用EDT,建立了E-S辩证思维模式并首次推导出了中国古典的五行关系。In this paper, the E-S scheme is established and the classical Chinese Five-Element relation is first derived by EDT.

首先在位于同步轨道以外的远心点启动EDT,产生推进力和能源。They would first switch on the EDT at apoapsis , which lies outside the stationary orbit, to produce thrust and power.

所有的事件处理程序运行在EDT中,你应该程序化地与你的UI组件互动,它们的基本的数据模型在EDT中。All event handlers run on the EDT, and you should programmatically interact with your UI components and their basic data models only on the EDT.

数以千计的支持者从8月23日东部夏令时凌晨3点发出的手机短信中获知奥巴马有关竞选伙伴的决定,这种宣布形式在总统竞选史上尚属首次。In a presidential-campaign first, thousands of supporters learned of Obama’s selection via text message -- which was sent at 3 a.m. EDT August 23.

在海岸的风力仍在上升。在弗吉尼亚州的海岸,持续风速为每小时56英里,在切萨皮克湾,东部时间早上十点检测到每小时62英里的阵风。Winds are rising now along the coast of Virginia, with sustained winds of 56 mph, gusting to 62 mph observed at 10 am EDT at Chesapeake Bay Light.

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新地平线打响了探索太阳系边疆的第一炮,而在今天美国东部时间早上6点,在发射了78天后它成功跨越了火星轨道。New Horizons' trailblazing journey to the solar system's outermost frontier took it past the orbit of Mars today at 6 a. m. EDT , 78 days after the spacecraft launched.

此次发射开启了以国际空间站为目的地的为期13天的太空航行,也是2010年航天飞机5次计划任务中的第二次。EDT launch from NASA's Kennedy Space Center. The launch began a 13-day flight to the International Space Station and the second of five shuttle missions planned for 2010.

奥巴马在白宫篮球场里接受了广播公司的艾伯特采访,期间谈论了很多有关篮球的话题,采访录像将在周二晚八点EDT频道播出。Obama was interviewed about a number of basketball subjects by broadcaster Marv Albert on the White House basketball court. The interview will be shown Tuesday night at 8 p. m. EDT.