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还有没有一等舱的船票?Are there any unreserved first class cabin?

拍卖将于10月16日举行,采用无底价方式,竞拍成功者可携6人与老马共进午餐。The unreserved auction will be held on October 16.

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伦敦的司机每个月为非专用停车位付的钱最多。Drivers in London fork out the most for a monthly unreserved space.

男人的强大是女人毫无保留的支持,每个男人都应该明白这一点。The strong man is woman unreserved support, every man should know this.

但是,他毫无保留的认为,他父亲将会被证明是无罪的。He is, however, unreserved in his belief that his father will be proven innocent.

无限制的检出使得多个开发人员能够检出同一个文件并使得改动能够并发进行。Unreserved checkout let multiple developers check out the same file and make changes concurrently.

四十岁。我很尊敬她,她可是拥有一眼就能看穿我心事的可怕本领哦。Fourty-years-old. I show my unreserved respect to her, because she's granted the ability to look through my mind.

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在你面前,我藏起我的忧郁。只是为了看你开怀的笑容,听你毫无保留的笑声。知道吗?你的快乐就是我的笑。In front of you, I hide my blue. Just to see you smile, listen to your unreserved laughter. Do you know? Your happiness is my smile.

此刻,他猛然间感到自己是多么自私,他享受着钟小娴毫无保留的爱,却从未给过她任何的承诺,甚至是一个体己的微笑。At the moment, he suddenly felt how selfish and he enjoyed the Zhong Xiaoxian unreserved love, but never give her any promises, even an intimate smile.

“对于他的德行与理智,”埃丽诺接着说,“凡是经常见到他,能同他畅所欲言的人,我想谁也无法怀疑。"Of his sense and his goodness, " continued Elinor, "no one can, I think, be in doubt, who has seen him often enough to engage him in unreserved conversation.

伊坦杰今天为他在纪念仪式上的所作所为向希尔斯堡死难者的亲属进行了道歉。Itandje has today issued a full and unreserved apology for his behaviour during the service, and pledged to meet with the Hillsborough families to apologise in person.

“马普历史研究期刊”的编辑们对这个不幸的错误感到万分抱歉,而且对由此给中国读者带来的不适和愤懑表示毫无保留的歉意。The editors of MaxPlanckResearch sincerely regret this unfortunate error and would like to offer an unreserved apology to all of their Chinese readers for any upset or distress they may have caused.