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这第二种担忧则与党派偏见有关。The second concern has to do with partisanship.

让我们先把报纸的党派性这一点说清楚。Well, let's make clear the partisanship of the newspaper.

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他们已经厌烦了党派分歧、叫喊和卑劣的争斗。They're tired of the partisanship and the shouting and the pettiness.

可能是因为极端的党派性的文化盖过了道德价值。Perhaps a culture of excessive partisanship has trumped ethical values.

他们的假设是观众的规模和倾向性会给裁判施加压力。Their hypothesis is that crowd size and partisanship impose pressures on referees.

消极的论点是提高道德水准,结束华盛顿激烈的两党之争。The negative one was that they would elevate the moral tone and end bitter partisanship in Washington.

你能听到的说法之一便是,寻求真相将会导致分裂,并将激化党派之争。One answer you hear is that pursuing the truth would be divisive, that it would exacerbate partisanship.

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诚然我们能够置党派之争于一旁,并且按照传统做法来进行确认这些提名的工作。Surely we can set aside partisanship and do what's traditionally been done to confirm these nominations.

自然正义的存在,甚或可能性证明我们人性的、太人性的党派偏见是正当的。The existence, or even the possibility, of natural justice justifies our human, all-too-human partisanship.

总统竞选已经让他博得了非党派主义及乐于协商的声誉。The president-elect has brandished his reputation for non- partisanship and for a willingness to negotiate.

他补充说,“参议院应该抛开党派偏见”调查和防止对美国的网络攻击。He added that "Congress must set partisanship aside" in investigating and preventing cyber-attacks on America.

星期四,我对参议院将党派争斗放置一边,精诚合作,通过了这些税收优惠提案而感到高兴。And on Thursday, I was pleased to see the Senate put partisanship aside and come together to pass these tax credits.

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但是近年来这些加强的党派关系已经使得参议院对政党按派系投票的态度变得更仇视和苛刻了。But the heightened partisanship of recent years has turned that chamber more rancorous and prone to party-line voting.

且不论哪派更该骂,医改斗争中表现出来的党派极化其实由来已久。Whichever side deserves more blame, the partisanship on display in the health fight followed a well-established trend.

在英国首相布朗和反对党领袖卡梅伦已经放下党派之争使政府运作正常。In the UK, PM Gord Brown and opposition leader David Cameron have put aside petty partisanship to make government work.

当时的人们把胡佛置之于度外,就像是现在的许多美国人也同样地看待布什已经出局了一样,或者是因为党派偏见或者因为心理的疲乏。They had tuned Hoover out, just as so many Americans have tuned Bush out, either for reasons of partisanship or fatigue.

但随着投票开始,计票结束,我们需要将党派之争放到一边——无论是赢了,输了还是平手。But when the ballots are cast and the voting is done, we need to put this kind of partisanship aside – win, lose, or draw.

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作为信条之一,巴哈伊的追随者们将避免干涉政治,更谈不上对政府构成威胁了。Far from posing a threat to the Government, its followers are expected to avoid political partisanship as an article of faith.

任内期间,对激烈的党派之争和政府内部的政治分歧也不承担任何责任。Nor does he take any responsibility for the fierce partisanship and political divisiveness that took root in his administration.

第一章,通过研究美国近代政治史,设法使大家了解今日激烈的党派之争的一些缘由。Chapter One takes stock of our recent political history and tries to explain some of the sources for today’s bitter partisanship.