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男性的高跟鞋,我可以当做是男女平等的另一个象征。And male's high-heel shoes may consider as a symbol of feministic.

上世纪后期也有人通过女性主义对其作品进行解读。Feministic criticism also appears in the later years of last century.

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随着作者年龄的增长和写作功底的加深,王安忆的女性意识呈现出明显的变化。With her growing age and written skills, her feministic consciousness has been changing obviously.

本文从三个案例出发,尝试解读女性主义文化的部分内容在产品设计中的符号化演绎。The thesis takes three cases for example to unscrambles feministic culture's symbolic illation in product design.

父母的亲密与和谐深刻影响了她有关两性关系的女性主义思想。The intimate and consonant relationship between Woolf's parents deeply impinges upon her feministic view of man-woman relationship.

尽管张洁本人不承认是一个女性主义作家,但她的创作实践“事实上成为新时期女性主义文学的先导。”Though Zhangjie herself doesn't admit that she is a feministic writer, her works makes her "The forerunner of feministic literatures of new era actually".

斯皮瓦克的后殖民批评最突出特色是理论与方法上的异质性特征和鲜明的女性主义视角。The most outstanding characteristics of Spivak's criticism on the post-colonialism are the heterogeneity in theory and method and the distinct feministic perspectives.

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女性主义视角聚焦小说创作的主题、动机和影响她对父权社会的鞭挞、讽和暗中颠覆便彻底露出来。In the feministic perspective, her criticism, irony and subversion of the patriarchal social system are quite obvious in the theme, motivation and effect of her fiction writing.

随着文明进步及女性权利地位的提高,家庭暴力,尤其是其中的犯罪问题为社会所广泛关注。Yet with the development of civilization and increase of feministic right, the fundamental issues of crimes resulted from family violences are believed to attract the social attention.

“上海”和“女性主义小说”是张爱玲小说的两个代表特征,也是她笔下一段段残缺婚恋的关键词。"Shanghai" and "feministic novels" have been regarded as the most typical features of novels by Zhang Ailing and the Key words that represent the imperfect loves and marriages she described.

当然也有偶尔例外的时候,假如这个领导人是一个少数民族的残疾人,主张男女平等的无神论者,还是侏儒,恰好还是从外国或者外星系来的非法居民,而且还是民主党人。There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority, feministic atheist dwarfs, who also happen to be illegal aliens from ANY country or galaxy as long as they are democrats.