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但许多人都希望采用远程办公。But many people want to telecommute.

在家办公。即使每周一天也会大不相同。Telecommute. Even one day a week will make a big difference.

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对个人而言,如果可行的话就采取远程办公。Telecommute if it is feasible and makes sense for your personal situation.

如果你可以时不时在家里远程办公的话,长时间的工作时间也许对你来说是更好的选择。A longer commute may be morepalatable if you can telecommute some of the time.

既然有远程管理工具,那么让我们至少一半时间远程办公以减少我们的舟车之苦。We already have remote management tools. Let me telecommute at least half the time.

超过百分之37的人们部分时间是远距工作。Today more than 37 percent of people telecommute or work remotely at least part-time.

一家公司的数据库可能写的是“远距离工作”而另一家公司写的却可能是“远程的”。One company's database may tag them all with "telecommute" while another with "remote."

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一度隔绝的肯塔基人,现在可以拜访千里之外的城市医生,或进行远程工作了。Once isolated Kentuckians can now consult with doctors in faraway cities or telecommute.

尽管你可以同你的客户很好地进行远程会议,最好的方式还是进行面对面会谈。While you could very well telecommute to meetings with clients, it’s preferable to meet with people face-to-face.

得益于因特网的高速连接,很多通过远程办公方式工作的人们认为这样能与公司的联系更方便。A number of people who telecommute feel more connected to the workplace thanks to high-speed Internet connections.

“虚拟”和“遥远”这一组词虽然没有像“远程办公”以及“在家工作”应用得那么广泛,但是网络上也经常用来对工作要求进行描叙。Virtual and remote are not as common at telecommute or work at home, but are still frequently used to describe jobs online.

花在这两辆车上的费用也是远低于平均水平——因为我每周都有几天是远程办公,偶尔也和朋友合伙拼车。Our expenses around them are less than average, because I telecommute a few times a week and car pool with a buddy occasionally.

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老套的梦想认为,国际互联网会让那些人跑到热带岛屿上或农村田园里去远程办公,这事儿看起来不会成真。The old dream that the internet would allow such people to move to some tropical island or rural idyll and telecommute is unlikely to come true.

在一定的程度上电子商务能使人们远程交流,每个人都能从造成交通拥堵和污染的交流减少中获利。To the extent that electronic commerce enables people to telecommute , everyone benefits from the reduction in commute caused traffic and pollution.

如果你有一份工作可以在家里完成的工作,问老板你是否可以选择那天,你和你的同事可以远程办公,来节省汽油。If you have a job for which working from home is possible, ask the boss if you can pick one day when you and your coworkers can telecommute to save gas.

这只是说明进行远程办公的员工需要注意到这些风险,并使用一些策略和方法来安全地实现远程工作。It simply means that employees who telecommute need to be aware of the dangers and provided with the policies and procedures to work safely from the outside.

实行弹性工作制、在家办公对你长时间工作、而工作和家庭不会出现冲突的能力有多大的影响?And how big a difference does the freedom to telecommute on a flexible schedule make in your ability to work long hours without experiencing work-family conflict?

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更多的人远程工作比以往任何时候都,但你开玩笑你,如果你没有看到巨大的交通拥堵出现在“现实世界”,往往比他们在网络空间。More people telecommute than ever before, but you'd be kidding yourself if you didn't notice the huge traffic jams that occur in the "Real world" more often than they do in CyberSpace.