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他们意外获得的发现呢?Their bonus discovery?

欢迎来到愉景湾!Welcome to Discovery Bay!

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这就是希克斯的发现This is Hicks's discovery.

这一发现令我浮想联翩。This discovery intrigued me.

那个发现引起了轰动。The discovery was sensational.

我们有了一个重大发现。We made an important discovery.

这是个划时代的发现。It is an epoch-making discovery.

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服务归类与发现。Service cataloging and discovery.

发现系外行星的“黄金时代”"Golden Age" of Exoplanet Discovery

发现,始于足下。Discovery begins with a single step.

这一发现纯属偶然。The discovery was an amazing accident.

她把那项发现归功于她自己。She credited herself with the discovery.

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我因为这个疯狂的发现而大笑。I began to laugh at this crazy discovery.

这个发现让裘新看到了出路。This discovery let Qiu Xin see an outlet.

点此处观看这一发现的动画。Watch an animation of the discovery here.

我感到自己有了一个惊人的収现。I felt I had made an incredible discovery.

煤气灯是一项多么了不起的发明啊!What a glorious discovery is the gaslight!

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她到处宣扬她的发现。She blazed her discovery abroad everywhere.

图他卡门的陵墓,完好无缺地出土。The discovery of Tutankhamen's intact tomb.

这项发现将带来许多好处。Many benefits will flow from this discovery.