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它是雅典的港口城。It is the harbor of Athens.

我们乘飞机经巴黎去雅典。We flew to Athens via Paris.

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雅典上升,从平原高。Athens rose high from the plain.

现代的雅典十分繁荣。Modern Athens hums with activity.

可梭仑回答说,雅典的特勒斯Solon answered, Tellus of Athens.

我乘坐的航班改变航线途经雅典。My flight was re-routed via Athens.

马尔科姆·布兰巴特雅典报道。Malcolm Brabant reports from Athens.

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当然帕特农神庙,是在雅典举行。The Parthenon , of course, is in Athens.

我们打算去看看雅典的古城。We're going to see the old patt of Athens.

雅典卫城的缩写,是一种民主的象征。The Acropolis is the focal point of Athens.

雅典有著不饶人的艳阳烈日!The sun in Athens is unforgivingly burning.

你将于当地时间上午六点半抵达雅典。You arrive at 6.30 am local time in Athens.

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奥运会入场式上,东道国队总是最后出场。Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens?

他大约在30岁的那一年到达了雅典。He arrived at Athens at about the age of 30.

伯里克利当政时期雅典臻于鼎盛。Pericles was in Athens are reaching its peak.

他曽在四年前的雅典担任过旗手。Yao carried the flag four yours ago in Athens.

你还记得上一界在雅典举行的广州亚运会吗?Do you remember the last Asian Gamess in Athens?

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将一切电文发往雅典邮件代存处。Send any message to " poste restante , athens ".

雅典有引以自豪的现代化体育设施。Athens can boast very modern sporting facilities.

在那时的雅典,法官是通过抓阄来选定的。In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot.