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债务管理方面的大部分问题均为制度性问题。Much of the problem was institutional.

这是他们的第一轮筹资。This is their first institutional round.

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非洲需要一个制度性的伙伴。It needs an institutional partner, warts and all.

商联是一家领先的国际性机构投资者。CGU is a leading international institutional investor.

它在各个层面上都存在制度的不负责任。It contains institutional irresponsibility at every level.

他说他并不同意公共机构机能衰退的说法。He says he doesn't buy the argument of institutional decline.

木制镶板淡化了内部制度化的气氛。Wood paneling softens the institutional feel of the interior.

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资本主义的机构层次是由伊底普斯演绎而来。The institutional order of capitalism is deduced from Oedipus.

很多机构性的工作,你做音乐只是为了达到商业目的。a lot of institutional work where you do music for commercials.

解决民生问题,要有制度的保障。To improve people's well-being, we need institutional guarantee.

所有女性在生育方面都应得到高质量的制度保障。All women should have access to good-quality institutional births

我们加快实施医药卫生体制改革。China has accelerated its institutional reform in the health sector.

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先赋性因素和制度性因素也对职业获得起一定的作用。And the ascribed and institutional factors also have obvious effects.

以此顺序的下一个是制定目标的制度的实践。And next in this order are the institutional practices that enact them.

各地的机构改革方案中的一个重要看点就是大部制。Institutional reform programs one of bright spot is that giant department.

将年轻人带入体制的恶意竞争将会毁灭整整一代人的文化。An institutional grudge match with the young can sabotage an entire culture.

第五,拓宽合作领域,加强机制建设。Fifth, expand areas of cooperation and advance FOCAC institutional building.

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该公司的客户包括了机构和散户黄金投资者,还有珠宝商。Clients include institutional and retail gold investors, as well as jewelers.

事实上,建筑师说他们在修建时故意尽量的避免产生“体制的感觉”。In fact, architects say they purposely tried to avoid an "institutional feel.

"还有很多机制上的障碍需要克服,"穆迪的Byrne表示.""There are a lot of institutional obstacles to overcome," Moody's Byrne said.