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我拒绝受到谴责.I’ve rejected the condemnation.

这等人定罪,是该当的Their condemnation is deserved.

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宽恕并无过犯。Forgiveness is not Condemnation.

他的行为有必要受到最严厉的惩办。His conduct calls for the severest condemnation.

我们对上述两起破坏活动予以强烈的谴责。We express strong condemnation to these attacks.

上帝收回我们应得的责罚,这就是他的仁慈。Mercy means God holds back the condemnation we deserve.

中国的打狗行动已经轰动世界了,头版头条!World condemnation for China's inhumane killing of dogs.

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她咏吟道,没必要去厌恶,没理由去责难。No reason for disgust, she intones, no cause for condemnation.

必须先定人之罪,才有宽恕的必要。And there must be condemnation before forgiveness is necessary.

我们对这种行径予以坚决反对和强烈谴责。We express our firm opposition and strong condemnation to that.

大多数人,秘密计划败露了,应谴责。Most who unveil hisagendas deserve the condemnation they receive.

他反对迫害,也不轻易作道德上的谴责。He is against persecution, and rather chary of moral condemnation.

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大多数暴露计划的人得到了应有的谴责。Most who unveil his agendas deserve the condemnation they receive.

他们看到是一幅可怕的景象,对他们统治的无主谴责。It was a dreadful sight they swa,a wordless condemnation of their rule.

纽约社会对生意场中不轨行为的谴责是毫不留情的。New York was inexorable in its condemnation of business irregularities.

血腥的袭击引起了以色列高级政治阶层的谴责。The bloody attack drew condemnation from Israel's top political echelon.

这种恶劣的行径招来整个文明世界的谴责。The vicious act invoked the condemnation from the entire civilized world.

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你是否见过一种人,他经常快言快语的爱指点迷津?Have you known someone who is always quick with a sharp word of condemnation?

一共过了三百五十年的光阴,天主教会才终于收回对伽利略的定罪。It took the church more than 350 years to reverse its condemnation of Galileo.

处刑画面的血腥恐怖重新激起大众对战争罪行的唾弃。The horror of the footage triggered a wave of public condemnation of war crimes.