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我认为人们低估了情感生活。I think people sort of undervalue emotional life anyway.

而这个进展不那么容易看到,而且也很容易忽视。This is not so easy to see going on. And very easy to undervalue.

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有太多的人高估他们所欠缺的,却又低估他们所拥有的。Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

你可能过度看重他人的成就,并且低估自己的。You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours.

我们往往看重目前的利益而忽略了环境。We generally tend to overvalue the present profit and undervalue the environment.

我们总是夸大民众对GDP的需求并低估他们对理想的追求。We always exaggerate people's quest for G. D. P. and undervalue their quest for ideals.

我理解他们的担忧,但是他们低估了我,认为我的工作能力是零。I understand their concerns, but they undervalue me and consider my work capability to be zero.

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当你冒着风险为职业生涯投资的时候,人们通常都会低估投资所带来的回报。People constantly undervalue the return on investment you get from taking risks to invest in your own career.

与主流社会的看法看法相反,我认为较年轻的人倾向于低估退休的重要性。Don't worry about what society says, but I will say that younger people tend to undervalue the importance of retirement.

妇女可以在事业上取得成功,但当妇女干的是男子的两倍时,只被看作男子的一半。A woman may achieve great success in her career, but when women do twice as well as men, people will undervalue they work half as well.

老师和中年级父母们不重视孩子们的偏爱,但是我认为我们需要放松一下,不要在孩子们选择书籍问题上紧张兮兮的。Teachers and middle-class parents undervalue kids’ preferences, but I think we need to give up being so uptight about children’s choices in books.

佩恩互助保险公司的调查估计,在家里,女性花更多的时间做饭、打扫卫生,但如果折合成金钱,总是低估自己的贡献。A Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. survey estimated that around the house, women log more hours cooking and cleaning than men but undervalue their contributions in dollar terms.

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市值加权的方式虽然有低周转率之优点,但其组合也存在加码高估股票、减码低估股票的可能。Capitalization-weighted portfolio have the advantage of low turnover rate, but it possibly leads the portfolio to overweight in overvalue stock, underweight in undervalue stock.

为了低估人民币对美元的价值,中国通过购买美元标价的金融资产,主要是美国国库券和债券,使美元价值升高。In order to undervalue the renminbi against the dollar, China drives the dollar's value up by buying dollar-denominated financial assets, principally U.S. Treasury bills and bonds.

在一个案例中,反腐败局指责马哈拉施特拉邦,包括孟买公路运输局通过低估车辆价值收取4000卢比的贿赂,这样车主就能少缴税。In a separate case, the bureau accuses top RTO officials in Maharashtra state, encompassing Mumbai, of taking bribes of up to 40,000 rupees to undervalue vehicles so owners would pay lower taxes.

增长回归分析表明汇率失调对经济增长率有负面影响,高估会降低经济增长率,而低估对经济增长有一定的促进作用,实际汇率波动对经济增长没有显著影响。The growth regression on misalignment shows that misalignment has a significant negative effect on economic growth, specifically, overvalue does harm to growth, while undervalue may improve growth.

皇家自由基金会的交易对公众不利——如果它们低估了源于公共资金支持的数据集的价值,同时也未考虑到给予实力强劲的私营开拓企业先入优势的长期后果。The Royal Free deals do a civic disservice if they undervalue publicly funded data sets, while failing to consider the long-term consequences of giving advance access to powerful private prospectors.