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人类与人猿有类似的构造。Man and ape have comparable anatomies.

没有哪出戏能跟这一出相比较。There is no play comparable with this.

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他的成绩可和最优者相比。His results are comparable with the best.

你的成绩可与他的相媲美。Your achievements are comparable with his.

类似的汽车在国外要贵得多。A comparable car would cost far more abroad.

他的成绩可以与最优秀者相比。His achievements are comparable with the best.

因为都是一系列相似的可乐产品。Because that was just a list of comparable colas.

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其他领导堡看到类似的价格上涨。Other leading chateaus saw comparable price hikes.

这是其他花所无法媲美的。This is comparable to the other can not spend the.

国内生产总值增长速度按可比价格计算。GDP growth rate is calculated at comparable prices.

对照研究中,试验前进行过均衡性检验者484篇。In controlled trials, 484 were base line comparable.

我们只要求你方的价格能和别人差不多就行了。We only ask that your prices be comparable to others.

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另一个阵营方面却没有相应的姿态。There were no comparable gestures from the other side.

所以你发现他们这些人进的都是相同的学校。So you can see these people went to comparable schools.

在外交史上这是无与伦比的。There is nothing comparable to it in diplomatic history.

她们的事迹可以和昭君出塞媲美。Their exploits are comparable with those of Wang Zhaojun.

然而,这两个数字严格来说并不具有可比性。However, the two sets of numbers are not strictly comparable.

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我准备比较那两个可比较的类似的公司。I prepare to compare the two comparable parallel companies.

在未来两年内它应该就会产生可供比较的结果。It should generate comparable findings in the next two years.

马麦酱的味道和酱油有点相似。The taste of Marmite is comparable in some ways to soy sauce.