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我生物实验。今天是解剖老鼠。I am going to have biology experiment. We will anatomize mouse today.

最后,本文对天津邮政开展直复营销的未来经营策略展开论述。On the top of, the author anatomize the two trade relationconsanguineous to Tianjin Post.

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作为读者撒旦与我们相似,试图解构剖析弥尔顿诗歌的力量。Satan resembles us as readers as we attempt to dissect and to anatomize the power of Milton's poetry.

作为读者撒旦与我们相似,试图解构剖析弥尔顿诗歌的力量。Satan resembles us as readers as we attempt to dissect and to anatomize the power of Milton's poetry.

为此,本文对国外接收芯片进行了分析研究。A specific foreign receiver is analyzed and researched in this paper Firstly, we anatomize the receiver.

二是深入剖析布莱尔“第三条道路”的实质,分析预测其发展趋向和前景。The second is to deeply anatomize the nature of the Third Way of Blair to analyze its tendency and foreground.

本文试图从现代国家构建的纬度来探析中国的区域差距问题。This paper tries to anatomize China's regional disparity issue from the dimension of modern state establishment.

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我们可以剖析一下这种种,大家通常认为这伟大的英国诗人所具有的力量。We can anatomize some of the forms of power that have been most commonly attributed to this greatest English poet.

本文通过对长期以来语文教学中开展人文教育的现状透视来剖析语文教学中人文教育欠缺的原因。The article is to anatomize the actuality of human culture education in Chinese teaching and to get the reason of lack.

第三章运用层次分析法和国际机制理论从三个分析层次对联索行动进行剖析。In the third chapter, I anatomize the UNOSOM from three levels using the levels of analysis and theories on international regimes.

本文试图对这方面的研究成果进行梳理和总结,以期推动相关研究的深入发展。This paper tries to anatomize and conclude researching achievement in the facet, so as to impel the relative research to be in deeper development.

对于反馈报文解析中复杂的逻辑,仔细分析,画出对应的流程图,便于系统高效率开发。For complicate logic in the feedback file parse, anatomize and draw the corresponding flow chat in order to develop the system with high efficiency.

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结果所有病人均能用解剖胆囊后三角的方法完成手术,无一例出现任何并发症。Results All the patients can be operated with the same methods. Conclusion It is secure that we anatomize posterior triangle of gallbladder first during LC.

本文深入分析影响听力的各种因素内涵及其相互关系,就我院高职生在英语听力培训中存在的问题进行剖析。This passage analyses the factors which hinder listening and their relationship, anatomize the problems the vocational college students encounter in their listening training.

国有林场在我国林业建设中具有重要的地位,但要在市场经济体制下持续、快速、健康的发展,必须深化改革。In this paper, the author uses some theories and methods of institutional economics to anatomize the institutional innovations impetus of state-owned forest farms in Guangdong province.

第三章运用层次分析法和国际机制理论从三个分析层次对联索行动进行剖析。In the second chapter, I track back the process of UNOSOM. In the third chapter, I anatomize the UNOSOM from three levels using the levels of analysis and theories on international regimes.

本文旨在把握我国英语学习类期刊的整体情况,剖析英语学习期刊的成功经营策略,并分析和预测未来发展趋势。The paper is to grasp the general status quo of English learning periodicals in China, anatomize the successful management tactics, and analyse and forecast their developing trend in the future.

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通过对网络环境下计算机病毒的特点及传播途径等进行分析,剖析了目前国内杀毒软件存在的缺陷,从而提出了网络环境下防止计算机病毒破坏的一种新的理念。In this paper, we will anatomize the fault of domestic anti-virus software by analyzing the characters and spread ways of network viruses, and put forward a new concept of avoiding network viruses.