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这位患者已到了帕金森病晚期,都已经无法行走了。He is unable to walk.

无法创建球体装置。Unable to create d3d device.

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无法启动印表机工具。Unable to start printer tool.

无法重新启动印表机伺服器。Unable to restart print server.

无法自行注册文件。Unable to self-register a file.

无法解压缩更新软件包。Unable to unpack update package.

无法生成临时文件名称。Unable to generate temp filename.

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无法取得有效的登入杂凑。Unable to get a valid login hash.

无法变更请款货币!Unable to switch billing currency!

卡尔说他无法到达那里了。Carl said he is unable to be there.

我无法抑制自己的热切的心情。I was unable to bate my enthusiasm.

无法找到任何Eudora设置。Unable to find any Eudora settings.

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你看,除了站不住根本就包不住土啊!The root is unable to hold the soil.

即使没能看到海市蜃楼的奇景。Though unable to see a mirage today.

他未能驳倒对方的辩论者。He was unable to confute the debater.

当天斯科塞斯因病没有出席典礼。Scorsese was ill and unable to attend.

云层很底,无线电不能到达你那里。Have been unable to reach you by radio.

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未能够找到加载点,正在中止。Unable to locate mount point, aborting.

我提不出比他的建议更好的了。I'm unable to improve on his suggestion.

缡没有你的世界,无法继续。The world without you, unable to continue.