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你知道什么是混合泳吗?What's the medley swimming?

混合泳接力赛的顺序又是怎样的呢?And the order in medley relays?

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混合泳的顺序是怎样的?What's the order of stokes in medley events?

他成立了一个叫“得州混合四重唱”的组合。He formed a group called the Texas Medley Quartet.

刘易斯准备参加男子200米混台接力赛吗?Is Lewes going to enter the man's 200_metre medley relay?

听起来不错,你知道混合泳接力比赛的顺序吗?It sounds great. Do you know the order of medley relays ?

刘易斯准备参加男子200米混合接力赛吗?Is Lewes going to enter the man's 200-meter medley relay ?

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好彩黎小田做了串烧给我。”他说。Luckily, Michael Lai had made a medley for me, " he said."

在那笔记上,器官的果园杂集令人惊讶地好。On that note, Organic Orchard Medley is surprisingly good.

布扬博士水库,是“波斯,印地文和好奇混合泳熊'。Dr. SK Bhuyan, was a "curious medley of Persian, Hindi and Assamese'."

配菜包括土豆泥,肉汁和蔬菜汁。The side dishes included mashed potatoes and gravy and a vegetable medley.

星期天,他赢得了200米个人混合泳,并表示他需要更多的练习。On Sunday, he won the 200-meter individual medley and said he needs more practice.

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你可以自己制作经你自己验证能作为睡眠引导的催眠曲的合辑。You can make a medley of your own lullabies that have been proven sleep- inducers.

这位台湾歌手演唱了一组流行组曲和一首自己创作的歌曲。The Taiwanese singer performed a medley of popular songs and another which he composed.

林俊杰又连唱了两首歌曲,其中一首来自他即将发行的新专辑。Lin also presented a medley of two songs, one of which is from his yet-to-be released album.

周四,罗切特打破了自己保持的200米个人混合泳的世界纪录。Lochte broke his own world record in retaining the 200 metres individual medley on Thursday.

据悉,这位现年27岁的乐坛老将会以一首自己长达7分钟的经典串烧曲目拉开本次颁奖礼的大幕。The 27-year-old will open the AMAs on Sunday with a seven-minute medley of her greatest hits.

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成堆的舞者假装成一般的乘客突然参与到舞池的节奏与旋律中去。Dozens of dancers disguised as typical passengers broke out into a medley of dance floor beats.

自由游、蛙游、蝶游和个人混合游的出发方式是跳入水中出发。The start in freestyle , Breaststroke, Butterfly and individual medley races shall be with a dive.

现年55岁的曼恩赢得了55-59岁年龄组的400米个人混合泳比赛金牌,并创造了这个年龄组的世界纪录。Mann, 55, won the 400-meter individual medley race and set a world record for his age group, 55 to 59. Mr.