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我想要一个西柚。I want a grapefruit.

把柚子剖成两半。Cut the grapefruit in two.

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女人切了西柚。The woman cuts the grapefruit.

比柚子汁喷射得更猛。And more than a grapefruit squirts.

一周吃两次半个柚子。Eat half a grapefruit twice a week.

半个柚子大约有39卡路里能量。Half a grapefruit has just 39 calories.

鲜橙、葡萄或番茄汁。Fresh orange, grapefruit or tomato juice.

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用榨汁机榨出橙子、柚子、柠檬的汁液。Juice the oranges, grapefruit and lemon with the juicer.

我们有菠萝汁和西柚汁,您愿意要哪一种?。Which do you prefer, pineapple juice or grapefruit juice?

为那些喜欢葡萄柚汁准备的清新冰水威士忌。A refreshing highball for those who like grapefruit juice.

我方已接受你方第13E号订单订购的60吨柚子。We have accepted your order No. 13E for tons of grapefruit.

请问您要哪一种果汁,葡萄柚还是柳丁汁?Which kind of juice would you prefer, grapefruit or orange?

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没有苯甲酸酯,苛刻的防腐剂或葡萄柚籽提取物。No parabens, harsh preservatives or grapefruit seed extract.

杜松、西柚、迷迭香是很好的利尿剂。Juniper Berry, Grapefruit and Rosemary are good for diuretic.

请问您要哪种果汁,西柚汁还是菠萝汁。Which kind of juice would you prefer, grapefruit or pineapple?

葡萄柚汁有时候会抵消药效。Grapefruit juice sometimes counteracts the effects of medicine.

番茄红素还存在于西红柿、红色或粉红色的葡萄柚以及生长于热带的番石榴中。It also is present in tomatoes, red and pink grapefruit and guava.

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葡萄柚汁能提升一些药物在血液中的效力。Grapefruit juice can raise the level of some medications in the blood.

粉葡萄柚、洋甘菊、甜橙、小麦胚芽、荷荷芭油等。Grapefruit pink, Chamomile, Orange Sweet, Wheatgerm, Jojoba and so on.

在茴香里放入芝麻,添加葡萄柚和鳄梨,轻轻地搅拌。Toss arugula with fennel, add grapefruit and avocado, and gently toss.