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手边有笔吗?Got a pen handy?

他动手能力很强。He was very handy.

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你手边有笔吗?。Do you have a pen handy?

要把胶水放在手边。Keep a glue stick handy.

这是一个很有用的特性。This is a very handy feature.

随时保持你的幽默感。Keep your sense of humor handy.

一组有两个小勺。Spoons come in a handy two-pack.

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电水壶使用非常方便。An electric kettle is very handy.

维京双重能力是便利的。The Viking dual ability is handy.

你手头有笔吗?Do you happen to have a pen handy?

戴顶帽子并将一件衬衫带在身边。Wear a hat and keep a shirt handy.

他非常善于使用改锥。He's very handy with a screwdriver.

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,这是一段很好用的代码,因为想象下如果我有了这段代码,我能把它用某个文件名保存起来,后缀是。Well, that's a handy piece of code.

暖瓶放在这儿好拿。It's handy to have the thermos here.

助教们请拿着麦克风Let's keep the mikes handy a second.

这房子离商店很近便。The house is very handy for the shops.

这个特性十分得心应手,原因有两个。This is a handy feature for two reasons.

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床下的抽屉也能带来便利。Under bed storage bins can come in handy.

嗯,行,你手头有笔和纸吗?Good, do you have a paper and pencil handy?

这是一种很简便的开罐头工具。This is a very handy tool for opening cans.