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赞成还是反对?Pro or con?

您用现金还是支票?En efectivo o con cheque?

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我认为自己是幸运的!I con sider my self luck.

我带着花去他家。Voy a su casa con flores.

我和我的朋友们去看电影。Voy al cine con mis amigos.

渴望与爱的人一起去西班牙。Quiero ir a Espana con mi ella.

也许她也探访其它囚犯?Maybe she visits some other con?

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我可以用旅行支票付帐吗?Puedo pagar con cheque de viaje?

每周吃一次墨西哥牛肉。Eat chilli con carne once a week.

为钢琴而作的有变奏的行板。Andante con Variazioni, for piano.

那你可以跟我玩一个晚上吗?Poi si può giocare con me una sera?

他们对此事正反两面地争论着。They argued the matter pro and con.

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有何补救之策挽回被拖走的车?What con I do if my car gets towed?

鲍勃是位行骗高手,并以行骗为生。Bob makes his living as a con artist.

我喜欢和我的朋友们拍照。Me encanta fotografiarme con mis amigos.

你对明天的动漫节很期待吧?。Are you excited about Comic Con tomorrow?

我是个文坛上混饭吃的罢了――他就老爱跟人这么说。I'm just a literary con man, he will say.

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妈妈我不再害怕当你和我在一起。Mamma non ho più paura quando sei con me.

他们共同密谋颠覆政府。They con spired to overthrow the Government.

他所有的钱都被骗子骗走了。He was skinned of all his money by con artists.