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你看一个星期的这类哗众取宠节目所学到的东西,比你看一年电视教育节目,都多。You learn more in one week watching this claptrap than you do all year on education TV.

这种哗众取宠的心态,无非就是想引起他人的注意嘛。This curry favour by claptrap attitude, nothing but is wants to attract the attention of others.

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你不止欣赏了我哗众取宠的外表,甚至扒下我强颜欢笑的伪装。You only appreciate me curry favour by claptrap appearance, even off I force a smile camouflage.

你或许想说,“你所说的‘自我是巨大的’不会只是精神上的一句空话吧?”You may want to say, "What do you mean by 'the self is vast' Isn't that just spiritual claptrap?"

东西真的很不错,没有LV那样的高调,没有CD的哗众取宠,有的只是那份沉稳和精致。The products are really good. Without lofty tone as LV or claptrap as CD, Hermes is just steady-going and exquisite.

只有将那些唬人的哲学空话从“准则”中剔除,部分准则才有可能让人线人一新。If only one could take out the philosophical claptrap from "Principles", some of the rules might make refreshing reading.

第一,我认为这完全是某些政府官员的荒谬想法,从某种角度来讲可以认为是哗众取宠。First, I think it's a ridiculous idea of some government officials. In some way, they just want to please the public with claptrap.

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那是一种既不张扬也不哗众取宠的美,它宁静而隽永,沉默而温馨,就像母亲般的感觉。It is neither a publicity does not curry favour by claptrap beauty it is quiet and meaningful quiet and warm like mother like feeling.

我写过关于狄更斯、霍桑的论文,我还得重读霍桑,再一次激起了我对他那老派敌视女性的哗众取宠的仇恨。I wrote about Dickens and Hawthorne, having to re-read the latter and discovering anew my hatred for his old-school misogynist claptrap.

既然我们有从过剩的资讯中寻找模式的癖好,就不难了解,有太多的模式都属于这种编码的废话。Given our propensity to look for patterns in a superfluity of data, is it any wonder that so many are taken in by such codified claptrap?

而当蒙在鼓里的民众欢呼着为破产买单时,不正是这些事不关己的立法者鼓吹着所谓“个人责任”吗?Or were all those insufferable lectures about "personal responsibility" when the bankruptcy bill was going through just so much claptrap?

他说老板不仅是老板,而且是工人的朋友,这也只是花言巧语而已。因为他和我们一样心里很明白。His. talk about employers being not only the masters but the friends of their workmen is. also mere claptrap because he knows as well as we do.

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乐观派耸耸肩头说,政客总是喜欢在初选时玩弄平民主义的噱头,奥巴马实际上很少亲力亲为。Optimists shrug that politicians always talk populist claptrap during primaries and that mr obama has actually committed himself to very little.