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来显示自己震颤的羽绒?To show its tremulous plumes?

我认识你,怯懦的信仰。I know you , tremulous beliefs.

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我用颤抖的声音问。I asked, with a very tremulous voice.

我问,声音颤微微的。I asked, with a very tremulous voice.

抓住它,感受它,颤栗而轻柔。Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.

他的话音听起来叫人胆战又心惊。His voice has a timid and tremulous sound.

然后又抖动着翅膀飞回到我身旁。And then on tremulous wing came back to me.

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震颤的音符在喉头阻梗Though the tremulous note may die in your throat

老人的声音一下子变得颤抖了。The old man's voice had become at once tremulous.

她在椅子上坐立不安,轻颤着深吸了一口气。She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep, tremulous breath.

而阳光在地板上照出的他的身影,还在由于刚才激昂的呼吁而颤抖。CAST upon the floor, was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal.

他的声音太激动了,他感情的宁静太可疑了。His voice was too tremulous , the poise of his feelings too doubtful.

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卓知远用微微有些颤抖的口音说道。The Zhuo knows that far using is a bit microscopic tremulous accent to say.

店主声音颤抖地反对说,达尔曼没有武器。The owner objected in a tremulous voice, pointing out that Dahlmann was unarmed.

她生命的机制、她整个的结构都不禁震动、战栗起来。The fabric of her life, of all that constituted her, quivered and grew tremulous.

杰拉尔德的吻仍然在她嘴唇上发烧,他双手的接触仍在她手臂上传流。Gerald's kisses still burned on her lips and the touch of his hands was tremulous on her arms.

他被置于随她的境地,直通得他面颊上失去血色,双唇不停地颤抖。The trying nature of his position drove the blood from his cheek, and made his lips tremulous.

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一丝发抖的声音,在空气中愈颤愈细,细到没有,周围便都是死一般静。A faint, tremulous sound vibrated in the air, then faded and died away. All around was deathly still.

无论如何,她非常棒,带著一种畏缩的认真,使我想起了那个年代的自己。Anyway, she was perfect, with a sort of tremulous earnestness that reminded me of myself at that age.

“冬青木和凤凰羽毛……”奥利凡德颤巍巍地说道,“十一英寸,漂亮,柔韧。”"Holly and phoenix feather, " said Ollivander in a tremulous voice. "Eleven inches. Nice and supple. "