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一个假面舞会。Was a masquerade.

他喜欢去化装舞会He liked to masquerade.

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迷失在这假面舞会里。We're lost in a masquerade.

假面舞会竞争的好吗?Masquerade competition is doing?

你想去参加化装舞会吗?Do you want to go to masquerade parties?

化妆舞会开始喽,这化妆的人是谁啊!The masquerade ball begins, who is this guy?

因为化装舞会起源于意大利。Because the masquerade is originate from Italy.

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万圣节前夜还是举办化妆舞会的好时机。Halloween nis also a time for masquerade parties.

你会去参加盛大而华丽的假面舞会吗?。Will you go to the grand and magnificent masquerade?

戴起假面具,加入我们神秘的假面舞会!To put on a mask, come to our Cryptic masquerade ball!

他扮成乔治。华盛顿参加了化妆舞会。He went to the masquerade dressed as George Washington.

一旦转入语言系统,他们就可以摇身一变成为成电话的主人。Once into the voicemail system, they could masquerade as owners.

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我想请问您是否能够来参加我们的化装舞会。I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to our masquerade.

这些可以顶替常规的鼠标或键盘。Typically, these can masquerade as a conventional mouse or keyboard.

他们第一次见面是在一个化装舞会上,两人都穿著很滑稽的服饰。One who wears a mask , especially a participant in a masquerade masque.

届时满城飞花,花车游行、放烟火、化妆舞会等热闹非凡。Then became the fly, the famous parade, fireworks, masquerade etc boisterous.

这种化妆舞会在十七世纪的欧陆颇为盛行。These masquerade balls became popular in continental Europe in the 17th century.

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这仍然是相同的乔装延续下来,只是添加了现代的品味。It is still the same masquerade that continues, simply with a contemporary flavour.

总之,结膜色素痣可以是多发的,貌似黑色素瘤。In conclusion, conjunctival blue nevus can be multifocal and masquerade as melanoma.

所有的师生们都装扮好了参加这个化装晚会。All our students and teachers dressed in costumes, made-up to attend this masquerade party.