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议会把巧克力带到了欧洲。Cortes introduced chocolate to Europe.

赫尔南科尔特斯所征服墨西哥。The Conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes.

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建立在前哥伦比亚城的旧址上,1519年被西班牙殖民者科尔特斯征服。Built on the site of a pre-Columbian city, Jalapa was captured by Cortés in 1519.

一五一八年,埃尔南多.柯狄兹要求西班牙古巴总督助他远征墨西哥。In 1518, Hernando Cortes asked the Spanish governor of Cuba to sponsor an expedition to Mexico.

科尔特斯,这种褐色带有特殊苦味和香气的液体使冒险家为之震惊。Cortes , this brown, with special bitterness and aroma of the liquid so that adventurer was shocked.

曾经在墨西哥建立一个帝国政权,但在1519年又被国会推翻的那瓦特族人。A member of the nahuatl people who established an empire in mexico that was overthrown by cortes in1519.

蒂克纳曾指导过普雷斯科特早期的研究,欧文还把科尔特斯征服墨西哥这个题材转让给他。Ticknor directed Prescott's early studies, Irving relinquished to him the theme of the conquest of Mexico by Cortes.

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蒂克纳曾指导过普雷斯科特早期的研究,欧文还把科尔特斯征服墨西哥这个题材转让给他。Ticknor directed Prescott's early studies, Irving relinquished to him the theme of the conquest of Mexico by Cortes.

西班牙是君主立宪制国家,君主的继承权是世袭的,实行西班牙国会或众议院的两院制议会。Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary monarch and a bicameral parliament, the Cortes Generales or National Assembly.

欧洲人在1519年首次品尝了巧克力,其时蒙提祖玛将该芳香的饮料提供给西班牙探险家科尔特斯和他的军队。Europeans got their first taste of chocolate in 1519, when Montezuma offered the spicy drink to Spanish explorer Cortés and his army.

第92条给予国王就总统的建议和科尔特斯法案的批准进行全民投票的权利。Article 92 invests the king with the right to call for a referendum, on the advice of the president and the authorization of the Cortes.

对椎弓根骨质结构的研究认为椎弓根皮质下骨质骨密度较骨小梁高。The research of the bone structure on the pedicle screws think that the bone mineral density under the cortes of the pedicle screws is higher.

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根据第91条,由国会在十五天内通过的法律,国王应该御准并宣布其成为新的法律。According to Article 91, within fifteen days of passage of a bill by the Cortes Generales, the king shall give his assent and publish the new law.

我骑着摩托车做了一次准备性出游,到了韦拉克鲁斯老城和首位西班牙殖民者赫纳多.考特斯老屋的遗址,他就是从这里出发去征服墨西哥的。I took the bike for a preliminary outing to Old Veracruz and the ruins of Hernando Cortés's first house. From here Cortés set out to conquer Mexico.

尽管这些地区为在线学生开放了一些微机室,但柯蒂斯说虚拟模式仍然为这些地区省了些钱。While the district has opened up some of its computer labs to the online students, Cortes says that the virtual model still saves the district money.

这是一个不唯人知的故事,在1522年,第一队探险远征墨西哥中部帝国主义民殖者埃尔南科尔特斯带着一小部队的士兵。This is the untold story of the first scouting expedition to central Mexico by imperialist colonizer Hernan Cortes and a small band of soldiers in 1522.

西班牙征服着为了寻找金子,在科尔特斯屠杀了许多阿兹台克人。据说有些金盏花上的红色斑点就是阿兹台克人的鲜血。After the Spanish conquistadores murdered many Aztecs at Cortes in search of gold, the little red flecks on some marigolds were said to be the blood of the Aztecs.

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1504年,哥伦布出于好奇最先把可可豆带到了欧洲,而随后的探险家唐·考泰兹发现了它的商业价值,并把巧克力饮料传播到西班牙。In 1504, Columbus brought the first cocoa beans to Europe out of curiosity, after which Don Cortes discovered its commercial value and brought the chocolate drink to Spain.

伊顿是墨西哥洋科特湾一个小型游船上的医师,一天早餐时,一些乘客发现有几只海豚在船边游。Yeaton was working as a physician on a small cruise ship in Mexico's Sea of Cortés when, at breakfast one morning, the passengers noticed that several dolphins were swimming alongside the boat.

1519年考特斯带领一支由征服者组成的小型精锐部队抵达,他们必须依靠祖国西班牙增援和补给,这将帮助他们生存并开拓这些新的领地。Cortes arrives in 1519 with a small, elite force of conquistadors and must rely on his motherland of Spain for the reinforcements and supplies that will help him survive and explore these new lands.