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解剖是命运。Anatomy is destiny.

动物解剖学。The anatomy of animals.

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实习医生格蕾第1季全。Greys Anatomy Complete Season 1.

实习医生格蕾第3季全。Greys Anatomy Complete Season 3.

另一位席埃拉是名解剖学博士。Another Sierra is a Doctor of anatomy.

一个主要问题是麻烦的生理构造。One major problem is our pesky anatomy.

中国水筛属植物叶的解剖研究。A study on anatomy of Blyxa leaf in China.

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西康产六种球果植物之木材解剖。Anatomy of six coniferous woods of Sikang.

结果表明两种表型的花柱解剖结构相同。The anatomy of the two morphs was the same.

一位粗心的教授正在上解剖课。An absent-minded professor was lecturing on anatomy.

针型,以符合病人的解剖结构。Shapable stylet to conform to the patient's anatomy.

玛丽亚·特蕾西亚痴迷于解剖学,这是世人皆知的事情。Maria Theresa'sfascination for anatomy was well known.

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在动物解剖学方面,他有过许多发现。He found out a great deal about the anatomy of animals.

鸭和鹅身体中有了一种骨骼,可以让它们自己感觉不到这种疼痛。Ducks and Geese have an anatomy that makes this painless.

为学习解剖学的人设计的创意被套。Creative duvet cover designed for people who study anatomy.

对牛蒡根进行了发育解剖学研究。Developmental anatomy of the Arctium lappa root is studied.

目的研究视束MRI正常断面解剖。Objective To study the anatomy of the optic tract with MRI.

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只要点中一个致命穴道,整个身体都受影响。Puncture one vital point and the whole anatomy is affected.

查希尔说从解剖学的角度上来说,这种蛇生活在洞穴里。Zaher said its anatomy suggests this snake lived in burrows.

广西黄皮属六种叶片的比较解剖观察。Comparative leaf anatomy of six Clausena species from Guangxi.