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什么是肥胖?What is obesity?

是婴儿肥还是肥胖症?Is it Baby Fat or Obesity?

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是婴儿肥,还是即将发生的肥胖?Baby Fat Or Impending Obesity?

自负的人是自己最好的朋友。Egotism is obesity of the head.

有一种方法可以打败肥胖。There is a way to beat obesity.

何谓体重过重和肥胖症?What is overweight and obesity?

什么是超重和肥胖?What are overweight and obesity?

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在北美,肥胖已成一种地方病。Obesity is endemic in North America.

肥胖组儿童存在RAAS的异常激活。RAAS is activated in obesity children.

肥胖也会导致睡眠呼吸暂停。Obesity can also contribute to sleep apnea.

那么,未来美国的肥胖状况会怎么发展呢?So, what of the future of obesity in America?

有多少人认为是营养过剩和肥胖How many would say over nutrition and obesity?

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但我不知道这是否对肥胖病管用。I don't know if it has implications for obesity.

全。国大中小学生视力水平下降,肥胖问题突出。S. urg. e in Bad Eyesight and Obesity in Students.

沃森医生把运动看做是治疗肥胖症的良方。Dr.Watson is great on exercise as a cure for obesity.

同时,死亡的整体风险也在随着肥胖上升。Also, the overall risk of death increases with obesity.

你有意识到肥胖症在我国的流行程度吗?Are you aware of the epidemic of obesity in our country?

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我们过去是数据匮乏,现在的问题是数据臃肿。We used to be data poor, now the problem is data obesity.

可采取什么行动抵御儿童期肥胖症流行?What can be done to fight the childhood obesity epidemic?

但生长激素并不能治愈PW综合征或肥胖。But growth hormones are not a cure for PWS or for obesity.