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莫尼卡,你是做什么工作的?What do you do, Monica?

现在我在圣莫尼卡工作,And I work in Santa Monica

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莫妮卡很有女人味。Monica Bellucci is all woman.

“蒙妮卡”服装,妇女时尚。Monica dress, women's fashion.

宾,我是你姑姑摩妮卡,没错。I'm your Aunt Monica. Yes, I am.

菲比帮助莫妮卡排遣痛苦。Phoebe helps Monica try to relax.

你怎么会到圣莫尼卡?What brings you here to Santa Monica?

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你在圣莫尼卡海滩做什么?What do you do in Santa Monica Beach?

丹特找莫尼卡说有事商谈。Dan, find monica said something talks.

这辆公共汽车可带我到圣摩尼卡吗?Does this bus take me to Santa Monica?

莫妮卡拿着无绳电话出来。Monica comes out with her cordless phone.

莫妮卡和瑞秋用奇怪的眼光看着菲比。Monica and Rachel look at Phoebe strangely.

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莫妮卡和罗斯为家族的“盖勒杯”争得头破血流。Monica and Ross compete for the "Geller Cup."

我们在圣莫尼卡边上的太平洋里游的。We swam in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica.

你能比较一下威尼斯和圣莫尼卡海滩吗?Can you compare Venice and Santa Monica Beach?

而西奥尼和莫尼卡她们很喜欢埃利。And west a one and monica they liked the Evans.

这是我的姐姐莫尼卡送给我的生日礼物。It was a birthday present from my sister Monica.

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杰米说是由于很恶感莫尼卡的不忠。Jamie due to very bad feeling monica disloyalty.

莫尼卡告诉你我比实际要帅,是吗?Monica told you I was cuter that this, didn't she?

蒙妮卡上课时非常专心的听老师讲课。Monica was very attentive to her teacher in class.