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未来在向我们招手。The future is beckoning.

另一种较常见的手势是招手。Another common gesture is that for beckoning.

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“跟我来吧,孩子,”纳希说,招呼我跟他走。"C'mon baby, " said Naci, beckoning me to follow.

他看见一个丰神飘逸的少年向他招手。He saw a youth of great radiance beckoning to him.

我一下车就看见弟弟在向我招手。I saw my brother beckoning me immediately I got off the bus.

后来他看见这个人正在向他招手,于是他踮着脚尖穿过房间。Later he saw this individual beckoning to him, so he tiptoed across the room.

“昨天我们都排到那边门外去了,”他说一边说一边指着大堂那边的入口。"It was out of the door yesterday, " he says, beckoning across the entrance hall.

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这是一个不同寻常的故事,引来了慷慨出版商的合同以及好莱坞的青睐。It is a remarkable story that has led to lavish publishing deals and Hollywood beckoning.

通过看到他们的真实本质,你就在逐渐的召唤它并引导它浮现。By seeing their true essence, you are gently summoning it and beckoning it to come forward.

挂在枝头的番茄频频向我招手,有的落在地上悄无声息。But there they hung from their vines, dropping to the ground with muted thumps, beckoning me.

“莉莉,”妈妈边说边招呼著这个小女孩,”现在走吧,穿上你的睡衣”"Lily, " Mother said, beckoning to the little girl, "go on now and get into your nightclothes.

保罗就起来,举手说,以色列人,和一切敬畏神的人,请听。Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience.

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谢丽尔总是坐在会议桌上,”召唤所有初级官员移动位置,大声喊道“我们要腾出空间。”Sheryl was always at the table, ” beckoning all the junior staffers to move, exclaiming, “We’ll make room.”

春天是它们的发情期,夜间啼血般地叫个不住,是召唤‘婚配对象’哩!Spring is their estrus, the sound all time in night like crow blood is for beckoning their 'Mating objects'.

用手指召唤示意美国人有时候把食指微微上跷,大拇指微微伸着召唤侍者。Finger Beckoning Americans sometimes hail a waiter with index finger slightly raised and thumb loosely extended.

超强的武器、实用的道具物品、诱人的双倍奖励,每一样都能让人心动不已!The ultra strong weapon, the practical stage prop goods, the attractive double reward, each equally can beckoning !

所有这些与蜿蜒弯曲的格兰德河和卡门山脉一起在河对岸的墨西哥向你招手。All this with the meandering bend in the Rio Grande and the Sierra del Carmen beckoning from across the river in Mexico.

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铁轨边点点的白杨在阵阵狂风中摇摆,悲伤地召唤远逝的阳光。Floating around. Beckoning the far-elapsed sunlight in woe, poplar trees dotting along the rail track were thrashing in gusts.

柯林顿著手从布希总统手上夺走白宫宝座,他恳求裴洛的支持找加入他的阵营。Clinton set out to take the White House away from President Bush on Thursday, beckoning to supporters of Ross Perot to join him.

彼得摆手,不要他们作声,就告诉他们主怎样领他出监。But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison.