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上帝是忠实的。And God is faithful.

他对妻子无贰心。He is faithful to his wife.

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我发誓将对所爱至死不渝!经典句子!I will be faithful in love!

他的本性就是忠实,非常忠厚。He was very faithful and honest.

在他的身旁蹲着他忠实的狗。By his side sat his faithful dog.

他依然对党忠诚。He remains faithful to the Party.

是至死不渝的爱情?。Is until death the faithful love?

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英格兰是他忠心的藩属。England was his faithful tributary.

只有我的女人永远忠诚!Except my woman — faithful evermore!

而上帝是永远全善的,永远信实的。God is always good, always faithful.

你的英魂,伴着忠实的琴声,进入天堂。One faithful harp shall praise thee!

慈爱的神,我们渴望忠心于祢。Loving God, we desire to be faithful.

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她对丈夫始终忠贞不渝。She's always faithful to her husband.

你是否认为我是一个忠实可靠的人?Do you think I am trusty and faithful?

无法再对自己的爱人忠诚He couldn't stay faithful to his wife.

他与他忠心的狗群形影不离。He never apart from his faithful dogs.

无论在顺境逆境,他一直对我忠诚。He was faithful to me in weal and woe.

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第三点,还有忠实可靠的人。Third point, there are faithful hands.

服从神并且对你的位置有信心。Obey God and be faithful where you are.

店老板建议他买只忠心的狗。The shop owner suggests a faithful dog.