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成长是人类必不可少的构成要素,也是文学永恒的主题。Growing-up is the essential inscape of human beings and the eternal theme for world literature.

接着论述了高职院校核心竞争力的概念及高职院校核心竞争力的构成要素。Then, I argue the notion and the inscape of the core competition of higher vocational institute.

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取得时效的构成要件为两个方面,即“占有”和“经过一定期间”。There are two aspects of the inscape of positive prescription, that is, possession and a certain session experienced.

确定创新管理构成要素为产品要素、市场营销要素和整合管理要素。The inscape of innovation management consists of product element, marketing element and integrated management element.

并剖析了Y公司薪酬制度的构成要素及现状,提出了主要缺陷和改进要素。It also analyses the inscape of salary policy and situation of Y, and point out the major defect and corrective method.

少数民族电影学这一学科意义上的少数民族电影是指电影文本构成要素能够反映少数民族文化的电影。Ethnic minority film as a discipline refers to the inscape of ethnic minority film script reflecting ethnic minority culture.

对数字环境下信息组织的概念进行了阐释,重点对数字化信息组织构成要素及其相互关系进行了较深入的研究和探讨。This paper introduces the concept of information organization and mainly discusses its inscape and those of relationship in the digital environment.

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创新管理构成要素的优化是论文的重要组成部分,运用人工神经网络方法是较好的选择。Optimization of the inscape of the innovation management is the most important component of this thesis, to implement this, NN method is a good option.

在比较分析国外放弃继承制度的基础上,结合我国实际,本文分析了放弃继承制度的行为标的、行为效力及构成要件。On base of comparing oversees abandon inheritance, and joining the reality, this thesis analyzes the object, the force and the inscape of the abandon inheritance.

有些词因借鉴戏剧的表现形式而更具表现力和感染力,通过论述具戏剧性特征的词的界定,词的戏剧性特征的构成要素及其产生的戏剧性效果来证明这一观点。Some Ci poetry has better expressive force because of using for reference the drama. The paper discussed that the inscape and the impact of the dramatic Ci poetry.

通过文献查阅、实证调查及专家咨询等方法,揭示了我国体育信息环境的基本内涵、构成要素。By using the methods of documentary , investigation and expert consultation , this paper reveals the basic meaning and inscape of China's sports information environment.

问题是,没有参与危险性行为的人缘何也可以成为共同正犯,这一问题只能从共同正犯的构造入手才能得到解决。The problem is that people not involved in risky acts can have been recognized as an accomplice. The solution of this problem can only start from the inscape of an accomplice.

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通过分析商标形象的构成要素、商标形象的促销作用以及对包装形象的意义,论述商标形象设计对包装形象的影响。The inscape of trademark, the sale promotion function, and the meaning of trademark image were analyzed. The influence of trademark image design to package image was discussed.

本论文提出了企业创新管理的范畴,建立了高新技术企业创新管理构成要素的理论框架。This thesis presents the domain of the enterprise innovation management, and builds up the theoretical frame of the inscape of the innovation management in the hi-tech enterprise.

目的犯为故意犯罪的一种,因其主观构成要素的一定特殊性,即具有两个主观要素,这使其与一般故意犯罪有别。As a kind of intentional crimes, absichtsdelikte is different from other common intentional crimes because of particularity on its subjective inscape in which it has two subjective elements.

论述了绿色物流的主要构成要素,研究了考虑风险态度的政府引导企业实施绿色物流的激励机制。This paper analyzes the primary inscape of the Green Logistics, and does a study on incentive mechanism by government of promoting enterprise to develop green logistics under different risk attitude.