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他患有运动神经的疾病,因此被轮椅所限制。He has motor neurone disease and is wheelchair bound.

霍金教授身患运动神经元疾病。Professor Hawkins suffers from motor neurone disease.

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一个研究小组声称,踢足球可增加罹患运动神经元病的风险。Playing football may increase the risk of Motor Neurone Disease, claims a research team.

实验结果表明缩宫素对胎鼠缺氧、缺血神经元的损伤有保护作用。It was concluded that oxytocin possessed protective effect on neurone damage of fetus rats.

纪录片拍摄于2015年,从西蒙被诊断为运动神经元疾病开始跟拍。Filmed in 2015, the documentary followed Simon after his diagnosis with motor neurone disease.

这项技术同样能应用于帕金森综合症、运动神经元疾病和肌肉萎缩症。But it could also make it easier to treat Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease and muscular dystrophy.

我们相信这项技术能用于老年痴呆症、运动神经元疾病、帕金森综合症和亨廷顿舞蹈症。We believe we can use this same technology for Alzheimer’s, motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.

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运动神经元疾病破坏大脑内控制动作的神经,使患者成为不动的躯体。Motor neurone disease destroys nerves in the brain that control movement, leaving patients locked in a failing body.

剑桥大学说,霍金患上了运动神经疾病达四十余年,现在情况还好。Cambridge University described the professor, who has lived with motor neurone disease for more than 40 years, as "comfortable".

霍金有运动神经元疾病,一个不可救药的疾病,也会使他不能讲话,呼吸或移动,而不需机。Hawking had motor neurone disease, an incurable illness which would make him unable to speak, breathe or move without the help of a machine.

运动神经元疾病是一种疾病,成年的,这是最常见的人民之间的年龄在50岁至70和略较常见,在男性多于女性。Motor neurone disease is a disease of adulthood and it is most common among people aged 50 to 70 and is slightly more common in men than women.

对那些患了让他们的身体虚弱无力和身体瓦解的疾病的人来说并不适用——比如那些患运动神经元综合症状的人。It does not apply to those suffering debilitating illnesses and physical collapse of their body -- for example, those suffering from Motor Neurone Syndrome.

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在牛津大学学习物理学之后,霍金开始他在剑桥大学的第一年研究工作,也就在那时,他被诊断患上了神经系统疾病。After studying physics at Oxford University, Hawking had begun his first year of research work at Cambridge when he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.

目的探讨以运动神经元病为表现的副肿瘤综合征的临床、电生理学、病理学特点。Objective To investigate the clinic, electrophysiological, pathological characters of paraneoplastic syndrome which manifested with motor neurone disease-like.

这项试验定于一月份开始,将跟踪200多名运动神经元疾病患者18个月以上,以观察每天服用锂片剂的患者是否存活得长久一些。The trial, which is due to start in January, will follow more than 200 patients with motor neurone disease over 18 months to see if those given daily lithium pills live longer.

目的建立一套组合的磷蛋白分析法检测小鼠神经细胞中参与信号转导的蛋白激酶和信号分子。Objective To identify protein kinases and signaling molecules involved in signaling transduction in mice neurone with a set of cooperated methods of identifying phosphoproteins.

他后来被确诊为患有运动神经病中最常见的一种---肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬他症,这使得他只得在轮椅上度过余生,而且还得借助电子音箱说话。He was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the most common form of motor neurone disease, which confined him to a wheelchair and forced him to speak through an electronic voicebox.

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岁即被诊断出患有运动神经元疾病的霍金分享了自己对死亡、人类意志以及生存机会的看法。Hawking, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21, shares his thoughts on death, human purpose and our chance existence in an exclusive interview with the Guardian today.

霍金是一位身患运动神经元病的理论物理学家,按照他的说法,根本不存在天堂,我们的大脑如同一台计算机,当其部件失效时将会停止运行。According to Hawking, a theoretical physicist whose body is paralyzed by motor neurone disease, there is no heaven, and our brain is like a computer that will stop working when its components fail.

英国医生将发起一场大范围的临床试验,以研究一种普通的抗抑郁症药能否成为严重运动神经元疾病廉价而有效的治疗药物。British doctors are to launch a major clinical trial to investigate whether a common anti-Depression drug could be a cheap and effective treatment for the devastating condition motor neurone disease.