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数值地形模型?。Digital terrain model?

你那个是电子表吗?Is your watch digital.

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数字压力计。Digital Pressure Gauge.

数字影院系统。Digital cinema systems.

这是一块电子表。This is a digital watch.

音频数字显示?。VDD? Voice Digital Display?

现今我们有数码电视。Nowadays we have digital TV.

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盛大被数字家庭卡住?。Shanda Locked by Digital Box?

是什么让乔帮主成了数码救世主?What Makes a Digital Messiah?

一种低分辨率的数字杂志拷贝A Low-Res Digital Magazine Copy

处理数字证书。Process the digital certificate.

你不能打造一个数字家庭。You cannot build a digital home.

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我刚查看完数字地图。I just looked at the digital map.

语音数据数字单元?。VDD?Voice and Data Digital units?

你也可以使用数位像机。You may also use a digital camera.

欢迎所有用数码机及菲林机的朋友。Welcome all digital and film users.

一幅数字绘制的风景画A digital painting of the landscape.

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他们只能看懂电子表。They can only read the digital ones.

数字能源的“钱景”在哪里?Where’s the money in digital energy?

支持数字光纤,同轴输出。Support SPDIF digital channel output.