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遗漏个人自由在自由国际主义中的中心地位会带来一些不利后果。The neglect of freedom’s centrality to liberal internationalism has consequences.

学校多元文化教育具有系统性和集中性。Multi-cultural school education has characteristics of systemicity and centrality.

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上帝是经文的作者,以基督为中心是解读经文的关键。God is the author of the text, the centrality of Christ as key for scriptural interpretation.

他正在学习制造政治变化所需的准备与组织的向心性。He was learning the centrality of preparation — and organisation — to making political change.

呼叫服务器的大容量、集中性决定了它的可靠性是整个软交换系统可靠性的关键。The big capability and centrality of call server make it as one of the key part of SoftSwitch.

我们的身体也没有中心这样一个概念.身体和意识彼此之间假定有边界的话,也是模糊不清的.Our bodies have no centrality either. Bodies and minds blur across each others' supposed boundaries.

不同季节均以鞘翅目、同翅目和鳞翅目的优势集中性较高。Dominance centrality indexes of Coleoptera, Homptera, and Lepidoptera were high in different seasons.

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对自由在自由国际主义中的核心地位予以更多重视,不仅有利于使政治科学中的某些问题更加清晰。More attention to freedom’s centrality to liberal internationalism would not only clarify puzzles in political science.

上任还不到8个月,就遭遇了一个重大事件,强有力地突显出曼哈顿在西方主导的世界所占据的中心地位。Bush was confronted by an event that emphatically underlined the centrality of Manhattan to the western-dominated world.

同时要避免抽象人性论、主体中心主义以及其他错误的政治观。Besides we must refrain from the theory of abstract human nature the subject's centrality and any wrong politics view else.

但是,巴沙尔的坚若磐石总体上还是为他赢得了胜券,并加强了叙利亚在地区问题上的中心低位。But Mr Assad's tenacious immobility has proved a winning course overall, reinforcing Syria's centrality to regional issues.

在自己的著作中,奥巴马强调父亲的中心地位不仅在于其信仰和价值观,还在于对他的极大认同。In his own writings Obama stresses the centrality of his father not only to his beliefs and values but to his very identity.

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这可能就解释了越多消费者了解智能电网的数据集中度,他们就越不信任智能抄表的原因。This may explain why the more consumers appreciate the centrality of data to the smart grid, the less they trust smart meters.

在一篇论文里他把此类没有中枢的智能称为“非理智能”,趣味盎然却又含义微妙,一语双关。In one paper he called this kind of intelligence without centrality "intelligence without reason, " a delicious yet subtle pun.

最终提出在具有无标度特征的复杂网络中,依据网络中节点的介数以及介数的标准差增加一些捷径路径的方法。Betweenness Centrality is introduced here to optimize network topology and identify nodes which are most likely to cause congestion.

流域空间结构演化主要受航道等级、城市居中性以及腹地大小的影响。Basin spatial structure evolution is affected by factors of rank of riverway, geometric centrality of cities, and size of hinterland.

千年发展目标强调健康是发展的一个重要组成部分,母亲和儿童在全球健康中处于核心地位。These goals underline the importance of health as part of development, and the centrality of mothers and children to the world's health.

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这即使在所谓的“经典化“中,都是不可避免的,因此需要承认历史变化的中心作用。This is an inevitability even in the so-called "canonical" and therefore itself needs to acknowledge the centrality of historical change.

在万景花园教堂的设计中,建筑师没有刻意回避传统空间模式中所含有的“集中式”和“深度”。In the design of Wanjing Garden Chapel, the architect didn't purposefully reject the "centrality" and "depth" of classical space sequence.

研究发现,具有高中介性或高中心性的主体其知识水平演化最快。而且,该研究结论与实证研究有很好的吻合。The simulation results indicate that agents with high brokerage opportunities or high centrality enhance their knowledge levels more rapidly.