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你的假释官是谁?Who's your parole officer?

你知道他还在假释期间吗?Do you know that he was on parole?

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他现在是保外就医。He is now released on medical parole.

跨国携带枪支,违反假释。International gun charges. Parole violation.

语言和谚语有何区别?What is the difference between langue and parole?

他时时刻刻捏着一把汗,生怕假释被取消。He lived in constant fear of that parole being revoked.

博伊斯于2003年获得假释,有效期直到2047年。Boyce was released in 2003 and remains on parole until 2047.

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2005年,他因违反假释条例,被判处17个月监禁。In 2005, he was sentenced to 17 months for a parole violation.

语言是抽象的,言语是具体的,是因人而异的。Langue is abstract, parole specific to the speaking situation.

如果罪名成立,他将面临无假释机会的终身监禁。If convicted, he faces life in prison with no chance of parole.

哦,那个怪物,就是他的那个假释官,是一只卑鄙的看门狗。Man, that freak that's his parole officer is some mean watch-dog.

非经法定程序不得假释。No parole shall be granted without going through legal procedure.

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许多委员会的成员潸然泪下但还是赞成B.K.的死刑。Many of the parole board members were in tears but voted for death.

然后,他被告知将会为那个杀人犯举行假释听证会。Then he was notified that the shooter was up for his parole hearing.

因为,没有假释的终身监禁可能是这个审判的最坏结果。Because life in prison without parole is the worst possible sentence.

他被判处45年监禁,75岁前不得假释。He was given 45 years and won't be eligible for parole until he is 75.

这就在一段很长很长的时间内封死了我假释的机会。That fixed up any chance of parole I might have, for a long, long time.

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在大多数州,被判处终身监禁的囚犯在服刑几年之后有资格获得假释。Most states made lifers eligible for parole after serving several years.

这位威廉巴尔夫先生有罪在身,却因违反假释规定而被收监。William Balfour is being held for violating parole from a prior conviction.

言语活动中的各种因素会导致言语障碍。Parole barriers result from different factors involved in verbal activities.