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不用了,但是谢谢你的好意。No, but thanks for offering.

因为他们提供优惠券?Because they're offering coupons.

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提供代牧土地的原因?Reason for offering agistment land?

感恩节祭品。You have the thanksgiving offering.

扫罗就献上燔祭。And Saul offered up the burnt offering.

提供PDF文件的打印预览。Offering a print-preview for PDF files.

她在出谏言献策方面从不落于人后。She was never behind in offering advice.

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他们一直想跟我们做一个浮士德式的交易。They're always offering a Faustian deal.

她写了一封信去表示慰问。She wrote a letter offering her sympathy.

但他的出价是太少还是太多呢?But was he offering too little or too much?

他带给她一束花,以表示友善与和解的心意。He brought her flowers as a peace offering.

作为牲礼,她在祭坛上放上了鲜花。She put flowers on the altar as an offering.

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这些祭品就叫做“人头馒头”。This offering was called "Steamed-bun head".

然后迅速做出奉献提供的到来。And then quickly make a votive offering soon.

在美国,大家总想让我赊帐。Everyone keeps offering me credit in America.

卑微是你给自己的礼物。Littleness is the offering you give yourself.

这意味着需要抗病毒药品时就提供。This means offering antivirals when required.

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余凡拜祭妻子,觉被人跟踪。Yu Fan worship offering wife, being followed.

康特公司提出的是时间范围在24-26分钟之间。Cantor was offering a spread of 24-26 minutes.

不离菩提心供养。The offering of not departing from Bodhicitta.