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从这些观点来看,莫特显然热情不减。As the ideas tumble out, it is clear that the enthusiasm remains undimmed.

但是她也会带面纱,表示她的宗教信仰依然清晰明亮。But she also wears a veil, a sign that her religious faith remains undimmed.

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格林伯格是唯一对美国国际集团热情不减的人。The one person whose enthusiasm for the company appears undimmed is Mr Greenberg.

而这种繁荣即使在拜占庭帝国地理政治的财富被摧毁了之后仍然存在。And this brilliance remained undimmed even when the empire's geopolitical fortunes were collapsing.

身体的恢复往最好里说也是不彻底的,但两个新长征者的决心却是极为清晰的。The recovery remains patchy at best, but the determination of both New Long Marchers is undimmed for now.

但是,兰德的影响力丝毫没有因评论家的辱骂或是其崇拜者的光怪陆离而减弱。Yet Rand’s appeal has been undimmed by either the vituperation of her critics or the peculiarity of her admirers.

为共同的福祉而努力是最好的召唤,昂山素季的这一光辉的信仰不会因为任何怀疑而磨灭。But her luminous conviction that working for the common good is our best calling is undimmed by any passing doubts.

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就算他们上过“专业的课程”了解到什么能做什么不能做,过度的热情仍然会让他们的失败丝毫不减,继续上演。Even if some retain specific lessons about what worked and what didn't, their overoptimism remains undimmed by failure.

他就安睡在那儿,身为人类国王的卓越光荣形象,在世界毁灭之前都不会消散。And long there he lay, an image of the splendour of the Kings of Men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world.

虽然德国最近将世界最大出口国的地位拱手相让于中国,其出口能力仍旧潜力无限。Although Germany recently ceded its place as the world’s biggest exporter to China, its exporting prowess remains undimmed.

费德勒今年如特快车般结束本季,虽然已迈入廿九岁,但打球向来优雅的他,对这项运动的热情依旧不减。Federer has ended the season like an express train and, at 29, his passion for the game he turned into art remains undimmed.

她从她孩童的眼光中看着这些,丝毫不顾我们大人经常扔给她们的刻薄话……我想要实现她的遗愿。She saw all this through the eyes of a child, undimmed by the cynicism or vitriol that we adults all too often just take for granted. I want to live up to her expectations.