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我坐起来。I sat up.

他坐下来。He sat down.

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我到处坐坐。I sat around.

我在床上坐起来。I sat up in bed.

他坐在我后面。He sat behind me.

我们坐在小间里。We sat in the den.

我坐在另一把椅子上。I sat on the other.

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他们坐在场边。They sat courtside.

她像被冻僵了似的坐着。She sat as if frozen.

她坐在窗旁。She sat at the window.

那男孩扑通一声坐下。The Boy sat down pimp.

福特•普里菲克特一动不动地坐着。Ford Prefect sat still.

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范夫人在床上坐起来。Mrs. Fan sat up in bed.

她守护在病人身旁。She sat by the patient.

教授坐了下来,无以对答。The professor sat down.

我俩在一张桌子旁坐下。We sat down at a table.

而你坐在一旁。You've just sat around.

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他坐着抽烟斗。He sat puffing his pipe.

我坐在暗夜里。I sat in the dark night.

凯和瑞拉坐了下来。Kiah and Rilla sat down.