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我们很难把乳酪分门别类。Cheese is hard to classify.

对它的词义构合关系进行归类探源。Classify them and explore the source.

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将他们按照支行、地区和年分类。Classify them by branch, region, and year.

创建类别树来分类项目。Create Category Trees to classify projects.

我问他为什么不能界定哪些是富人。I ask him why he can't classify who is wealthy.

这些词汇将用来对公告进行分类。These will be used to classify our announcements.

医生将淀粉样变性分为三种主要类型Doctors classify amyloidosis into three major forms

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不论我们如何分类服务,这一点都是不变的。This is true regardless of how we classify the service.

你知道怎样区分直接税和间接税吗?。Do you know how to classify direct tax and indirect tax?

第三,要深度分销,深耕市场。Third, it requires the enterprise to classify the market.

使用术语对元数据存储库中的对象进行分类Classify objects in the metadata repository by using terms

此外,据Dadey说,现在还有很多死亡事件很难进行归类定义。In addition, Dadey said, some deaths are hard to classify.

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前一周总共看了17篇论文,把它们归了一下类。Last week I have browse 17 papers total and classify them.

你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类?Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?

所以我们就想如果能把垃圾进行分类就太好了。So we thought it would be better if we could classify rubbish.

但首先让我们将修辞学加以分类。But, first of all, let us classify rhetoric into its varieties.

使用注意力地图来分类网页上不同区域的重要性Use attention maps to classify areas of importance on a webpage.

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天文学家能够按照颜色把星星分类。Astronomers bave been able to classify stars according to colour.

您认为目前的电网是智能的,还是不那么智能?Q. Would you classify the existing grid as smart or not so smart?

于是乎,他们把社会保障归类为别的,而实际上并非如此。So they classify Social Security as something else, when it isn’t.