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如果你付租金,他们就不能剥夺你的权利。If you pay your rent , they can't dispossess you.

法院裁定剥夺他的政治权力。The court ruled to dispossess his political rights.

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当我被铭记着人类的内文,我无法没收我行动的意志。Inscribed in a human context, I can't dispossess myself of my will to act.

其中两组要求尽量控球,第三队要尽力去破坏他们的配合。Two teams attempt to keep hold of the ball whilst the third team endeavours to dispossess them.

其实,耶和华将这些国民从你面前赶出去,是因他们的恶。Rather, it is because of the wickedness of these nations that Jehovah is about to dispossess them from before you.

他必从你们面前赶出这一切国民,就是比你们更大更强的国民,你们也要得他们的地。then the LORD will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you.

明天也许又要来了什么小问题了,同样也会代替了美丽的法国姑娘和臭名远扬的阿波乌两案的地位。To-morrow some other little problem may be submitted to my notice which will in turn dispossess the fair French lady and the infamous Upwood.

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因你所要赶出的那些国民都听信观兆的和占卜的,至于你,耶和华你的神从来不许你这样行。The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so.

你今日要过约旦河,进去赶出比你强大的国民,得着广大坚固,高得顶天的城邑。You are now about to cross the Jordan to go in and dispossess nations greater and stronger than you, with large cities that have walls up to the sky.

耶和华你神将你要去赶出的国民从你面前剪除,你得了他们的地居住The LORD your God will cut off before you the nations you are about to invade and dispossess. But when you have driven them out and settled in their land

一旦这四个人中任何一个触到皮球,皇马球员就采取战术或者故意犯规施加阻拦。这种战术让巴萨队员很无奈。As soon as one of the quartet received the ball a Real duo would attempt to dispossess the ball either legally or illegally. The tactics made Barca look laboured.