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厌倦著我们曾予留连过的所在。Blase on where we have been.

她非常腻烦聚会。She' s very blase about parties.

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众所周知,成龙已经对他的好莱坞工作心生厌倦。Chan has been known to be blase about his Hollywood work.

而他们似乎对后果也更加地漠不关心。The drinkers also seem more blase than ever about the consequences.

如果你飞机坐多了,这类事情见多了,也就学会对此无动于衷了。If you fly much, you see these things and learn to act blase about them.

如果你经历多了,你就会对这些事情表现出漠不关心。If you fly much, you see these things and learn to act blasé about them.

我所遇到的中国民众对于政治普遍不感兴趣。The Chinese folks I encountered were generally pretty blase about politics.

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他为她安排了几场音乐会,冷漠的纽约一下子沸腾了,为一颗新星的诞生而欢呼。He arranged for concerts for her and suddenly blasé New York hailed a new star.

出于对整件事的漠不关心,我发现现实在荒谬地进行着。Having been very blasé about the whole thing, I found the reality absurdly moving.

尽管这部剧集带有一定的喜剧色彩,但我们并不想让观众过于熟悉剧情套路而对此感到厌倦。Even though we're half a comedy, you don't want an audience settling in and getting blasé.

你那厌世的态度将会令学生对学问的乐趣产生一种错误的理解。Your blase attitude gives your students an erroneous impression of the joys of scholarship.

很有可能你对自己的健康状况、舒适的家、充满爱的家庭和你的工作已无动于衷了。Chances are that you're blasé about your health, your comfortable home, your loving family, and about your job.

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弗格森爵士本赛季谴责老特拉福德的球迷们贪于享受,但是他昨天赞扬了球迷。Ferguson has criticised the Old Trafford crowd for their blase attitude this season, but he praised them yesterday.

与这些人类研究者长久以来建立的熟悉感,对那些笔记本、检查表的见惯不怪,让泰坦显得有些骄傲自大,玩世不恭。A lifetime of familiarity with innocuous human researchers, their notebooks, and their check sheets, has left him blasé.

提到非处方药,很多人都觉得无所谓,觉得“它们不会真的伤害我,对吧?”When it comes to over-the-counter drugs, many people have a blasé attitude, thinking "They can't really hurt me, right?"

23岁的梅琳达,尽管有千万个理由对体育说“不”,但她耐住性子,跟她喜欢的室友看了一场又一场的冰球。Melinda, 23, sucked up her blasé attitude toward sports and watched hours upon hours of hockey with a housemate she wanted to pounce.

你们不只是对约会或重启爱的生活失去了兴趣,我敢打赌你们对任何其他事情也都感到厌倦和郁郁寡欢了。You aren't interested in dating or starting your love life over again, and I'll bet you feel kind of tired and blasé about everything.

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中国人现在对美食已经无动于衷了。他们经常下馆子吃饭,点很多食物,吃不掉也不打包。法兰切先生说。"The Chinese are now blase about food. They over-order at restaurants and sometimes just walk away, to show they can," said Mr French.

然而,作为疾病防控中心的世界卫生组织和其他一些组织并不希望人们过足不出户的隐居生活。Yet, officials at the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and elsewhere do not want the public to get blase.

更常见的盗窃手段是利用你手机的Wifi连接,他们就是欺负我们一般人对于Wifi的安全性毫不关心。The more common method is for crooks to use your smartphone's Wi-Fi connection. They rely on the fact that most of us are blase about the security of the networks we connect to.