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来代替储蓄机构这个词。to a depository institution.

这样的收据我们称为联邦存储收据。what we call a Federal Depository Receipt.

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警方赶到达拉斯教科书存放处。Police raced to the Dallas Schoolbook Depository.

故事发生在午夜时分的公共档案储存处。It was midnight in the old Public Records Depository.

银行不能既是一个储蓄机构又是,一个投行。You could not be both a depository institution and an investment bank.

居民为赎回其海外存托凭证所汇出之资金。Residents remitting outward funds to redeem his global depository receipts.

如果你看法律类文章的话,他们更倾向于储蓄机构这个词。If you look at what the law says, they tend to use the word depository institution.

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第三部分主要介绍了证券托管环节中的法律制度。The third part mostly introduces the legal system in the securities depository process.

提出了一种通用、高效的用户汉字图标库,介绍了库的结构。A universal and efficient user Chinese and iconic depository is presented in this paper.

第三百八十四条保管人应当按照约定对入库仓储物进行验收。Article 384 The depository shall check the goods as contracted before accepting the warehousing.

资源库由教育局提供中学的电子教材给香港教师作学与教用途。Depository of e-resources for learning & teaching at junior secondary levels in HK, provided by EDB.

威奇塔州立大学图书馆从1991年成为专利商标储存图书馆。The Wichita State University Ablah Library became a Patent and Trademark Depository Library in 1991.

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“仓廪实而知礼仪”,现在仓廪已实,礼仪却几乎不知。"Depository really makes me know my manners, " Depository now has real, etiquette is almost unknown.

如果投行只做投资业务的话,不能称作为一个储蓄机构。An investment bank, if it's doing a pure investment banking business is not a depository institution.

在纽约证交所上市时,药明康德采用的是一种比较奇怪的存托凭证,而这又与一家开曼群岛的公司有关联。WuXi trades on the New York Stock Exchange through an odd depository share tied to a Cayman incorporation.

国际机构寄存馆制度在澳门的实行,对澳门地区的文献资源开发和馆藏发展有着重要意义。The depository library system in Macao has great significance in the development of document resources in the region.

许多人在沿着通往主要的尸骨存放地的螺旋形台阶下去的时候,都会被一种尖锐的恐惧所攫住。Many people are gripped by a sharp terror when descending the spiral staircase that leads to the main bone depository.

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每个单元内部,都设立了轮椅存放处,村内还有轮椅假肢维修中心。In each unit, set up the wheelchair depository , in the village also had the wheelchair artificial limb service center.

第三百七十一条保管人不得将保管物转交第三人保管,但当事人另有约定的除外。Article 371 The depository may not transfer the article to a third party for deposit, unless the parties stipulate otherwise.

是的,我们是经过批准的联邦存储银行,我们能够接受纳税款项并发给您一张正式收据作为您的原始记录。Yes, we are an authorized Federal Depository. We can accept the tax payments and issue you an official receipt for your records.